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5yr old terrorist busted


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I wonder if they would suspend a kid for running around playing Cowboys and Indians? I mean shit its got socially unacceptable racial undertones and violence. But let's totally forget that the state (United States) at one time played a game of Cowboys and Indians only it was real life and we call it history. But with as pussified as society is now its probably taught that all conflicts are resolved using mediation and peaceful conflict resolution.

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personal opinion statement. the system is so flawed that the administrators had to take this action. as had they done nothing and the mother of another student got "concerned" they would have been in trouble for not taking action. the system has no room for reason or rationality and punishes the innocent to protect the establishment whose actions are fueled by the people who yell the loudest and cause the most trouble for them.

good people don't yell loud enough to be heard over the crazies or idiots so this is what we have to live with.

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I wonder if they would suspend a kid for running around playing Cowboys and Indians? I mean shit its got socially unacceptable racial undertones and violence. But let's totally forget that the state (United States) at one time played a game of Cowboys and Indians only it was real life and we call it history. But with as pussified as society is now its probably taught that all conflicts are resolved using mediation and peaceful conflict resolution.


This whole idea of living in a bubble and if anything can hurt you physically or mentally it is wrong and should be banned is retarded. Pussification of society says it just right.

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Fifth-Grader Reprimanded for Bringing Paper Gun to School, Mother Furious

Melody Valentin, a fifth-grader in Philadelphia, was removed from class for pulling out a paper gun in school. She said that her grandfather tore the piece of paper and she had it in her back pocket. When she went to throw it away at school, a classmate saw it and notified administrators.

According to Valentin, the teacher ridiculed her and staff members searched her in front of the class. “He yelled at me and said that I shouldn’t have brought the gun to school and I kept telling him it was a paper gun but he wouldn’t listen,” she said. Dianna Kelly, her mother, is furious with the school.

More Stories on Gun Crackdowns:

“I’m waking up at three o’clock in the morning and my daughter’s in the bathroom crying. She said, ‘I’m having nightmares, I’m having dreams he’s chasing me down the street,” Kelly said.

Kelly is still waiting for a response from the school and has pulled her daughter out of class in the meantime.

Did the school go too far? Watch the video and let us know what you think.

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