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North Korea to target U.S. with nuclear, rocket tests


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i wonder how Dear Leader's policy of mollifying our enemies is working. i would ask our ambassador to Libya, but...

if i had to guess, since The Brotherhood is not in charge in NK, and there are no brown/black (muslim) folk in sight, he will react with more strong words. no action, but strong words.

or he may just start another unauthorized military action (a la Libya, which has worked out well, so far...). hard to tell, when his foreign policy is basically undefined.

but then again, he adores socialism, so...yeah - hard to tell what he'll do.

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"So someone across the street keeps yelling that he wants to kill you. You keep reporting him to the so-called authorities but nothing is ever done. Then one day, while still yelling that he wants to kill you he pulls out a rifle and aims it at you. You report him to the authorities but nothing is done. Then one day while yelling that he wants to kill you he pulls out a box of bullets and starts to open it. You report him to the authorities but nothing is done. Then one day while yelling that he wants to kill you he starts to try to load his rifle, although he seems to be having some problems. Do you report him to the authorities again, or do you pull out YOUR rifle and put a round through his head? Your choice. Sometimes when someone keeps saying that you are evil and wants to kill you, it might be a good idea to believe him."

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Assuming a NK rocket had the capabilites to reach the US, what would be the point? It could never get past our missle defense system.

The US military response would be harsh.

I would not be surprised if Kim-Jong-whoever meets a sudden demise after making such a ludicrous statement.

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