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What reason does anyone have to own an assult rifle?


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This question has been thrown around a lot lately along with, "Why does anyone need a weapon that can hold more than 10 rounds?". Here's a video of some guys defending a market from looters during the LA riots. It seems to have worked for them to have an uzi. Ask yourself, what / who are you going to turn to if the police can't protect your house, family and food? If you say it can't happen look at LA just shy of 21 years ago.


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Just remember they had people on the roofs to hi power rifles and ak47 with 30 round magazines. And because I can and chose to.

And they were safe. Compared to people that did not.

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Lots of things! Wild hog hunting. Packs of coyotes. Target shooting. Competitive even. Some classes require you to shoot rapid fire. Because I want one. Because I want to remember the soldiers that used one and lost their lives to keep us free of tyrany. And because if that we have our constitutional right to it. Like it was said its rights based not needs based.

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I bought mine because they are magical devices that can kill anything without mercy. I'll be sure to take on my next dive trip and bag a shark or two if it doesn't turn on me and shoot me first. Gotta watch out for those things, they have a mind of their own ya know and induce wicked behavior.

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what / who are you going to turn to if the police can't protect your house, family and food?

I wont be counting on police to protect anything for me. Its not their job. Ill be standing watch over my father in laws where we have plenty of food stores for a few months.

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Not sure why the female anchor was so interested in weapon registration when there was only 1 uzi identified in a pile of shotties and rifles. These guys had their shit together in protecting the store, as if a war may be coming. That is a valiant team effort and makes me question if there's more to protect inside than meets the eye?

Either way, I choose a pro SA rifle/handgun stance because it's our right to have these readily available for just such a scenario. Plus I like expensive, tacticool stuff :D

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