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Suspension Upgrade Question

The Murse

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Question for you guys. I am looking to upgrade the suspension on my Kawi. I have been looking at the ohlins ttx and 30mm cartridge kit (new $2278). Came accross a deal on the older Ohlins PRXLS, used for 550. Should I jump on this and just have it refreshed or hold out for a ttx? Preferably buying used no matter what but aftermarket suspension for my 10 is few and far between.

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I'm of the opinion that more money in my pocket means more track time. You're going to get something better than stock no matter what if you're going aftermarket. I say get the used one, have it serviced, slap it on and do more track days.

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Its still a triple adjustable shock, just an older model and less refinements. Would have to compare it to what you have and what the cost difference really. Its still a good shock and would serve you well.

I would also add to keep your options open, as Penske makes the 8987 triple and may be cheaper. It's also easier to service and have refreshed. I loved mine. :)

Edited by SJC1000rr
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Thanks for the quick responses guys.I have been keeping my options open to most all of the major aftermarket companies but its just been a matter of very limited options popping up. You guys helped push me over the edge on this one, going to buy the used ohlins and get it refreshed. I have no doubt it will be much better than the stock stuff I am currently rolling on.

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PS - if you were riding a Zuk you'd have more parts availability. Just sayin' :D

This is probably true...but I also get to keep my dignity this way! I have seen the suzuki riders: you, john...I like everyone else who rides one. You two are reason enough to keep me continuing with my wide birth around Zuk riders ;)

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Buy the TTX. The older generation Ohlins is shit. The 30mm kit is cool, but you can buy the 25mm kit for CHEAP and would be totally fine to do. Get with Reuben and grab a deal on those.

Actually, look at the JRI he is offering. That thing is really good. Neyra tried one and liked it on his ZX10.

My personal opinion is if you skimp on suspension, you will need to upgrade sooner rather than later. Why spend twice the money when you can do it once and be done and focus on setup and quality of your riding.

Anyone that preaches it is better than stock is true in what they are saying. But, quality will allow you to advance further without hitting a wall and then having to update again.

Buy right and go.

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C'mon, Murse, stop being such a cheap ass pansy!! You know you have $2500 to drop on that ttx and forks! Are you really gonna put inferior parts on that Superbike of yours? Jesus, man, not even Craig would do that.


Harsh. I don't know that anything is more inferior than my bone stock suspension currently on it, and that would still stand true if Craig were sitting on my bike at the time. Albeit, just barely.

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