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Christopher Jordan Dorner. Two sides to every story?


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Fail to plan, plan to fail

He had his chance to go out in a blaze of glory but instead took the cowards way out when cornered and nibbled on the barrel before getting extra crispy. Good riddance to a cop killing- wanna be- famous for five minutes wack job.

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I guess local news out there is saying they are not so sure who was in the cabin. And msm is claiming it was him. Not so sure we will ever know the whole truth behind this all, or how it really ended up. Total failure from so many aspects.......

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Fail to plan, plan to fail

I'd say he planned just fine. He's exposed the behind-the-scenes stuff of the LAPD, as was his intention. I don't think he even dreamed that 2 LAPD cops would open fire on 2 defenseless, completely innocent women, and on top of that, completely skirting due process in burning down the cabin he was in.

Something tells me there's a massive shitstorm brewing in LA if those cops that shot the women aren't behind bars, and soon. Qualified immunity be damned, just because you are ordained by the State to carry a badge and a gun doesn't give you unqualified authority to open fire at will on innocent civilians. Take, for example, the incident in Ottawa Hills in 2010 where a cop pulled over a guy for reasons that he basically made up afterwards, then used the excuse that he was "reaching for a weapon" (which the jury also didn't believe) and shot him once in the back, paralyzing him for life. That cop got 10 years for felonious assault 2 YEARS ago, but remains free on bond while he appeals his verdict.

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the truth will never be known in this story and thats a FACT

Because the LAPD will throw just as many resources as they did to find Dorner into intentionally obfuscating the truth about what happened, from Dorner's original claims, to the shooting of the innocent women, to the assault on the cabin. This basically amounts to the airing of the LAPD's dirty laundry, and the department's going to try to pull the line in as fast as possible.

Someone with a still-functioning investigative journalism team is going to break this open, and I'll be first in line cheering when they do.

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Because the LAPD will throw just as many resources as they did to find Dorner into intentionally obfuscating the truth about what happened, from Dorner's original claims, to the shooting of the innocent women, to the assault on the cabin. This basically amounts to the airing of the LAPD's dirty laundry, and the department's going to try to pull the line in as fast as possible.

Someone with a still-functioning investigative journalism team is going to break this open, and I'll be first in line cheering when they do.

I hope so, that would be a fantastic read

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If he claimed something else, I had not read it. So, please correct me if I'm wrong but, wasn't his 'behind the scenes stuff' just that he overheard officers use the 'N' word once and that he thought he saw a female officer shine her shoes once on a resisitor? If so, Wow that was shocking, I hope it was worth murdering innocent civilians and law enforcement officers that will never come home to their families. The sympathizing of these sick individuals is insane to watch.

His plan- write letter to Anderson Cooper and place it on facebook.

-murder unarmed female daughter of retired police chief

murder 40 others who did him wrong- fail

steal boat-fail

elude police during chase-fail

receive apology and vindication- fail

Now if that ends up not being dumbass' charred remains...... :nono:

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If he claimed something else, I had not read it. So, please correct me if I'm wrong but, wasn't his 'behind the scenes stuff' just that he overheard officers use the 'N' word once and that he thought he saw a female officer shine her shoes once on a resisitor? If so, Wow that was shocking, I hope it was worth murdering innocent civilians and law enforcement officers that will never come home to their families. The sympathizing of these sick individuals is insane to watch.

His plan- write letter to Anderson Cooper and place it on facebook.

-murder unarmed female daughter of retired police chief

murder 40 others who did him wrong- fail

steal boat-fail

elude police during chase-fail

receive apology and vindication- fail

Now if that ends up not being dumbass' charred remains...... :nono:

His "behind the scenes" stuff was exposing the corruption of the LAPD, which, I believe, is a ball that he's successfully put in motion, for better or for worse. Don't equate my observation of his intentions as sympathy for the sum total of his actions, because it's not. However, these things happened, ON BOTH SIDES, and now BOTH SIDES must be held to account. You really can't gnash your teeth over the death of a innocent woman who's only crime was being the daughter of a LAPD captain, and yet fail to mention the attempted murder of 2 completely innocent people.

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"AP source: Calif. driver's license naming Christopher Dorner found in burned cabin with body "

I've been watching too many movies lately but my first thought it is yea how easily could they have printed another one and planted it to make it look like this has all come to an end

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His "behind the scenes" stuff was exposing the corruption of the LAPD, which, I believe, is a ball that he's successfully put in motion, for better or for worse. Don't equate my observation of his intentions as sympathy for the sum total of his actions, because it's not. However, these things happened, ON BOTH SIDES, and now BOTH SIDES must be held to account. You really can't gnash your teeth over the death of a innocent woman who's only crime was being the daughter of a LAPD captain, and yet fail to mention the attempted murder of 2 completely innocent people.

Corruption as in people using the N word in everyday life, or over zealous officers possibly giving a little extra during the apprehension of a resistor. I can't say this would/should be a big surprise or shock to most people living in the real world.

He felt victimized by society like all these nut cases and had no way to cope with his feelings and went on a cowardly path. No need for people to make him out to be hero or like he was on some righteous course,he was/is a nut.

As far as gnashing my teeth, you really think the murderous, premeditated and fully written down actions of this idiot should be considered the same as the neglectful and incompetent actions of two young police officers that witnessed a truck blacked out traveling by one of the 'target houses' in the middle of the night.

And no, I am in no way condoning their actions of course, but really, not even in the same ball park for me.

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"AP source: Calif. driver's license naming Christopher Dorner found in burned cabin with body "

I've been watching too many movies lately but my first thought it is yea how easily could they have printed another one and planted it to make it look like this has all come to an end

exactly. How did a lone drivers license survive a blaze that set off ammunition and, in there own words, was "to hot to approach". Sounds fishy. So much fail in this whole story.

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