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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2008 in all areas

  1. Grand Turismo 5 Prologue is not Grand Turismo 5. Grand Turismo 5 is set to come out some time in the not too distant future. That is all.
    1 point
  2. http://i29.tinypic.com/30l184x.gif
    1 point
  3. "The frame was forged in the fires of Mount Doom, then immediately banged with a sledge hammer for hours to allow turbo clearance..."
    1 point
  4. high street tattoo. they are open saturday, and you can make an appointment for sunday. they were voted #1 in columbus last year. i have a tattoo scheduled there on the 4th
    1 point
  5. Ther have been several other threads with similar questions posed on here. This can be done as in a similar manner when there is not a title. Write a letter to the bmv stating the situation, include all details including a copy of the title, both sides, a sworn and notorized affidavit of your account of the situation and a copy of the bill of sale if there was one. The bmv looks at all the info and makes a determination. I have personally done this with very little information and I basically only had a notorized account of what happened and I was awarded a title without question. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  6. Just wanted to thank Mike and his team for the shop tour and welding project he hooked me up with – great job, excellent shop, looking forward to working with you on my car. Very impressive collection of cars these guys are working on – was impressed with the different projects, saw everything from full tubs, fab work, rear ends to super chargers.
    1 point
  7. Anyone interested in going green? What are you doing? Other than replacing most of my lights with CF bulbs I have a few projects in the works. I currently heat with Propane, but I am installing a Geo-Thermal system this summer. This will decrease my footprint from the fuel standpoint but increases my electric use. I want to install a grid tied, solar/wind hybrid system. Just have to figure out who is going to pay for it. I did install solar landscaping lights and stopped running my porch lights. I drive a pretty economical car and am a telecommuter so I don't have too much of a footprint there. I do fly alot but I fly with Delta and they have an offset program (planting trees). I am planting loads of trees etc around my new house and have my eye on a rain-catchment system for irrigation. Also, MAKE just ran an article about grey water irrigation but since I am on a leach field I do evapo-transpiration anyway. So, what is everyone else up to?
    0 points
  8. yea he gave me the part number. i gave him a price. ill check tomorrow and text him. wait he only gave me the hays number. and its the same one i told yall about. is there any import guys on cr?
    0 points
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