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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2010 in all areas

  1. Here's some Christmas rep for being a good sport!
    1 point
  2. Already did a test fit. I like them, they look nice and have a lot of space and compartments.
    1 point
  3. Sure, I put up a fun joke and some zellot has to come and spell check me. Mary Christmas
    1 point
  4. who cares why the arrested the sheep, if I were the cops I would have let them go and follow them to their destination just to see what the plan was....
    1 point
  5. at least Patterson had a good excuse/reason for not "reading up" on current events.
    1 point
  6. News flash: Colleges cost money. For an Ohio resident, you can expect to pay $20,000 per year of full-time college, for a non-resident (as Pryor is) that number turns to $34,000. So, we have $34,000 time 5 years of elibigility = $170,000, plus stipends that are supplied by the college, and that person gets a free diploma while tens of thousands of other kids take on high 5 to low 6 figures worth of loans just to get the same piece of paper. Nope, no financial benefit at all.
    1 point
  7. Thanks again guys got it done learned a lot. Got about 100 miles on the new bearings and all is well.
    1 point
  8. I have four CRKT knobs in various sizes all folders, a smith and wesson fixed blade (surprisingly nice knife) and I have a masters of defense folding switchblade that my stepbrother gave me for the deployment that didn't happen. I like all of the knives I have and I have a use for most of them.
    1 point
  9. im not that great at discribing my self so bare with me a little bit....well my names nick and im 19. iv owned 7 cars in my life time and about to be on my 8th cause i just bought a 1996 chevy z71 with 105xxx miles and pretty much no rust. i also own a 1988 rx7 gtu im working on collecting turbo parts for as i type. as long as iv been messing with cars iv never heard of this forum not gonna lie but it looks pretty sweet and cant wait to see what its about. http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb262/nickgayheart6425/3m53o23l95V15O45U6ab73f352ccdf18710c5.jpg
    -1 points
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