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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2011 in all areas

  1. thanks I have thick skin can take the hazing no problem
    3 points
  2. @Ohio1959 I read all the news reports when it happened. They all had it wrong. That was because the responders and police had it wrong. The investigation initially had it wrong also. But that changed. The news now presents the correct information. Which everyone on here was pretty quick to catch. Take the blame elsewhere.
    1 point
  3. heh, go read the marriage announcements in the newspaper sometime, and see what the age gap is when people get married. There is no standard. It could be anything. yeah yeah I know what's a newspaper where do I get one... And no, not interested in a 16yo that looks 30 and will look 45-80 when 30
    1 point
  4. What? Do I have some rep around here already I don't know about? I do own quite a few Saiga's though. 2 Saiga 12 guage semi-auto shotguns with (2) 20 round drums, a lot of personal internal trigger work to make them 922r compliant and so that you may fire 12 guage rounds as fast as your trigger finger can pull. Also in the process of converting my Saiga AK.
    1 point
  5. hey whats up....I am not sure about the first pic if it was enhanced or whatever before I bought it. Not sure why all the drama.
    1 point
  6. I used to play, can't remember the server. Out of my group of friends I was the fastest to have my name banned (lvl. 27, name was Phallusfrkids). Stopped at level 54 because I'd rather be attempting to get laid than play a drama ridden game. I was rocking an undead SP with lots of good gear too, damn druids would mess up my day though.
    -1 points
  7. Ha, I take it nobody plays any more and yes, people can hold a job while doing so. I do get laid off in the winter most years so it helps my geek status. Cataclysm may be the death of WoW, not like that was far away though. Thats probably the reason why I have so many characters, game got old and made more alts. If anyone plays any more hit me up. getting my penis cut off this weekend, thanks for the advice.
    -1 points
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