I don't consider it part of the wussification. I think it's more of a self-image problem. We've been convinced that we're bad people. We have been guilt-tripped and told that we're evil because we are successful. Our problems at home don't matter as much because we don't DESERVE to fix them. Hell, poor people who can't feed themselves are better off in the US than those in other countries and therefor don't need to be helped.
It's all fucked up.
What I would love to see:
Dear World,
We, The United States of America, have taken a look around our home and decided that it needs a serious cleaning. So we're going to use up some of our sick hours and take the near future off while we get some stuff done around the house. You know, some cleaning, some fixing, balancing the checkbook. A membership at the gym might be in order as well. We'll pop out from time to time to pick up the groceries and do some shopping, but that's about it. We won't have time to chat.
In the meantime, we recommend you take care of yourselves and sort out your own issues. You can do it. You must. Because when we're done getting ourselves back into shape, you do NOT want us cleaning your house for you.
Those proud motherfuckers otherwise known as,
The United States of America