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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2012 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, I'm new to the forum my name is Austin, i'm 18yrs old and my friend told me about columbus racing and I decided to join and checkout the forums, I love cars, i'm mostly a chevy guy, I have a 1971 Monte Carlo SS with a mild built 350/th350 trans, and a 1985 camaro thats pretty well done up, (autometer,new interior,cowl hood ect.) thats a roller at the moment. I'm looking forward to join and meet people and that, thanks for looking. http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n240/austin_goodwin/1111111-1.jpg http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n240/austin_goodwin/IMG_0128.jpg http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n240/austin_goodwin/IMG_0535.jpg
    7 points
  2. Well CSC, I had a similar experience in May when I attended a memorial run but somehow it was worse than I could have ever expected. It was a memorial run for a girl that had been killed in Dayton to raise money for her funeral expenses. I knew one person there and even that was a stretch. Got invited through a Facebook invite probably because they knew I rode. I even asked "are all bikes welcome", then the invite came with no reply of a yes or no. I took it as a yes however and went. The ride consisted of 6 stops with the final one having a hog roast (typical) and was scheduled to run from 1 to 7 pm. I was thinking "long ride" so I topped off my tank at the gas station right in front of the bar we started at. So I pull in the parking lot of the bar and see nothing but a sea of chrome, and like you I was the only guy not dressed in pirate garb. I walked up to the entrance of the bar after taking my gear off, passed a few people sitting on the patio and not one person said a thing to me. Not a hello, not a "nice day for a ride", not a "hi, bye, or fuck you". And it was like that all fucking day long. But I was there, I wasn't going to run away with my tail between my legs. So from bar to bar we went. At every stop they're downing several beers and shots and then hopping back on their bikes. All while riding "parade style" through the streets blocking traffic as we went along. Well at the 5th stop the bar had a series of picnic tables attached together so I decided to sit right in the middle of all of them and by god they'll acknowledge my existence. Well they sat all around me and well...didn't. So I'd had enough and decided to leave, I wasn't having fun at all. I pull to the first stop light and ask myself "wonder how far we went today?" The answer? 40 miles! Forty miles and the only thing they accomplished was getting drunk. WTF? Really? Come on! How in the fuck can you call yourself a biker when you're only riding from bar to bar just to drink? You're playing dress up. You're reenacting what you think the biker movies of the 60s and 70s were. You're not a motorcyclist, you're a douchebag. #/endrant
    2 points
  3. You know that predictive text learns from the words you use a lot... So "cell", "suck", "meat" and "balls" are common words for you...??
    2 points
  4. Hi guys, I am a local car enthusiast that has been on the local car scene fior a while and have a host of cars from a 77 trans am to a few lambos. Spent a Bunch of time up at MidOhio and live for cars. Recently I have been building car storage facilities in and around the area.
    1 point
  5. Is it fuel injected? If my bike sits more than a month without being started I cycle the key 3-5 times so the fuel pump can get pressure and it fires right up -VanDy
    1 point
  6. My bike does the same thing if it sits too long had it sit for a week and would not start. Tried this a few times and she fired. Had to roll on the throttle as you crank it and it worked for me. Also I've had to bump start it if that didn't work.
    1 point
  7. shoot a little starting fluid down the intake, then hit the starter
    1 point
  8. thanks everyone, and yeah the monte is pretty nice and pretty solid too, ask shane, the floors and trunk are rust free, but theirs a little rust around the back window I inted to fix asap
    1 point
  9. Btw I have a UGR stage III. Gallardo that I hear has been a point of discussion on this forum.
    1 point
  10. Well, all the bugs are worked out and it runs great! Had a problem with fuel starvation and figured it was plugged jets, and the picture below pretty much says it all. Gotta repaint the seat cowl since it flew off the other day. Guess I didn't have it latched. Shit happens. Anyway, I'll be lookin for some rides now!
    1 point
  11. Its pretty bad when there is an entire category of videos dedicated to women trying to park or maneuver and in each case you just wonder how people survive life without knowing such basic skills such as backing out of a parking spot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1fJfKlHGjw Jail? lol
    1 point
  12. Okay, Houdini, how did you manage to get inside of your cell? <snicker>
    1 point
  13. Bull Terrier Pit Bull I understand that some municipalities group most Bully breeds together in their BSL but that is uncommon. Bull terriers are not often mistaken for a Pitbull by appearance, though it is common misinterpretation by name. Craig
    1 point
  14. Head should be pointing out like your trying to hit the mirror. Just like John and James in those pictures. That is how I was taught and how I do it too.
    1 point
  15. Well I rode crossed up for years and now that California sbk has fixed my body position I'm not fighting the bike and it takes a lot less effort to ride . We coach 15 sessions on a normal day and if they hadn't taught me to lock on with the outside leg I wouldn't be physically able to last that long. I'm 40 ,James Toohey a level 4 coach is 45 and Jon groom another level 4 coach is older than dirt . If your fast now then fixing up that body position will make you really Effin fast . I sent Craig a few pics of Jon & James so u can see the difference when he posts them. I would love to see you out at the school cuz I know these guys can help anyone . Hell James taught a world super bike rider last season .
    1 point
  16. Whatever technique Chris uses absolutely works for him cause he's fucking faaaaast
    1 point
  17. People can twist and not put the input in (Pegram comes to mind). Just keep it lose and your right, let the bike do it's thing.
    1 point
  18. What do you know about going fast? :.......::...............j/k after riding with this cat at the gap I would welcome any advise or tips he has to offer
    1 point
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