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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2012 in Posts

  1. Hi I am Mike, I live in Powell. I enjoy anything auto related. My daily driver is a 2011 F150 Ecoboost that has been tuned at PPC Delaware (Brady did a great job). I also have changed the exhaust and installed a cold air intake. I work at a Ford dealer so at times I can be a bit bias but still try to not let that get in the way. Thanks https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-aUAEx7Ex4tc/UAimJV-1-VI/AAAAAAAAAUM/uDn4vB2D6qM/s711/IMG_0409.JPG
    3 points
  2. I picked her out the litter when I graduated high school, she was 17 yrs old, siberian huskey her name was Hershey.I knew it was coming this hot weather has not been good to her. Today I went out to check on her and she was leaning against the fence with blood running out of her mouth, and the flies would not leave her alone. So I decided it was time, and some don't want to hear this but it was only fitting that I do it myself, one shot and 2 more breaths and it was done. She was me and my wifes original kid, we raised her from a pup, she was a protector of my children and a best friend I could talk to when I didn't want anyone else to hear. R.I.P. girl we love you.
    1 point
  3. Round 2 AMA Pro Supersport #816 report The Prep: Got a ton of junkies to come help prep the race trailer and race bike for the long awaited Mid-Ohio AMA round. Got the motor back from 35 motorsports and installed in the bike and touched up the paint and cleaned her up. We were all packed and ready to go wed night. On the road again! We left Cincy around 10:30 am and headed north to the greatest track around! The drive up was fast and painless even thought the cops tried to get us at the 161 exit,but we hit a BP station lol. DAY:1 Bike was already unloaded and cleaned and it was time for practice. Grape got the bike through tech and once again we were in line for Dynojet to tune the bike. I was so ready to hear the new #'s that the newly inspected motor puts down. While attending AMA's great and very very friendly riders meeting I could hear my bike screaming inside the Dynojet trailer. Finally Grape and Matt rolled the bike out of the trailer and by the look on their face i could tell it was not good once again. 100HP!!!!!!!!! Dammit!!!!! So I put that # out of my head and decided it does not matter at this point at all as we could do NOTHING about it there. Went out in practice and was flying past people!!! Being a track coach i was instantly comfortable with the track conditions and got down to a 1:39 and felt good. Qualifying was next and I was totally feeling great and went out like it was a race. Came in every 4 laps to check tire pressure and on the second stop in Molly informed me that i had just don a 1:30!! I about fell off the bike and fainted when she said oooooooops i meant 1:35flat and i still about fell off the bike. I was very satisfied with that time so i jumped off the bike and said i was done for the day with only 8-10 laps ran. I ended up getting 15th out of 39 riders. THE PARTY!!!! I know I should have stayed away from the party scene,but was way to happy about my times and wanted to go see all the junkies that showd up and maybe have a cold beverage with friends. Well 1 led to 2 and before you know it I had gone a little far(thanks catchup and Shannon lol). Without much more said i left the party around 1am and went to bed. RACE 1 I was NOT ok after the party and tried to sleep in and get rested up for the race at 1pm. By race time i was feeling better and when they gave the 3 min call i slipped my hemet on and stepped over pit wall just in time for RAIN to completely soak the track and my bike. Knowing what mid-o was like in the rain i got freeked out,but was just ready to do the dam thing. After what felt like Hours they gave the 2 min call and off i went. The little amount of rain we got the track was cold or weird and i was not liking it. Once again my pit crew did a GREAT job on the grid and i was set to launch! Red light went out and bam i was at turn 1 with 29 bikes all wiggling and fighting for positions. I got instanly behind a red bike and realized the pack was getting away,but the bike in front of me had one hell of a motor!!! Took many many laps to get around him and when i finally did I tried to play catch up,but could not pull it off. I finished 23rd. Race 2: I had tons of sleep and was ready as ever to go fast. No RAIN and dry conditions this time and it was time to go fast!!! This race went WAY WAY better and was LOVING the support from the over 100+ fans i had cheering me on. I had no one holding me up and was on a roll. Then bikes started crashing directly in front of me left and right and I was like hell yea another position lol. Then finally a bike crashed on the track and it was red flagged. I HATED the fact i had to stop 7 laps in and was not looking forward to doing all that work again from another start. The second start was also good and i got inside and held back as many as i could. No more red flags and was alone most of the race. Finished 20th with my personal best time ever at mid-o of a 1:34. Want to say thanks too... MY GREAT PIT CREW! Trish,Molly,GRAPE!!!!,Tuna,Matt you guys rock! Assfault junkies My family all the fans that came out to support the racing And HUGE THANKS to all my sponsors who helped make this happen! HINDLE MOTOZEN PAINTWORX LM MOTORSPORTS SCHWEITZER CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AND GRAPHICS ON DEMAND PEOPLE WHO DONATED AND HELPED! 2013 I will be doing more AMA rounds only next year and upgrading my bike. Looking foreword to a Great season and actively looking for new sponsors!!!
    1 point
  4. No, that's cool. I mean being a dick would have meant PM'ing me and letting me know and giving me a chance to make better on this. But since I was just here to rip people off, we're cool. Thanks for the heads up. Price adjusted to $30 And Todd, you know we are good on this at $30, so long as you still want it.
    1 point
  5. I went with the Heartthrob 4" it has a nice sound
    1 point
  6. I know exactly how you feel having caught some presidential motorcades on my commute home from downtown back in the day. Next time get a cardboard tube like plotter paper comes in and run out on one of the bridges. I'll give you rep I promise.
    1 point
  7. Thanks for the bday wishes everyone!
    1 point
  8. found you a new SFW vid for your sig, just needs converted to gif form:D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMgmYutL9W0 :bow:
    1 point
  9. I would try to upgrade and put a CBR motor in it.
    1 point
  10. do whoolies with it until it kersplodes...take video sorry to hear about the track woes though
    1 point
  11. I miss guys like some of the banned. They added excitement to the site. A little boring on here since the last agressive person left, or exarch. Those people make for great reading. I'll always sign in though. Been on here since 2006 so I'll always be signing on, it's a habit.
    1 point
  12. How about we just see what you have to say to my face when the time comes. I like that idea much better smart ass. Keep shitting on my posts dick head. You must be a fag the way you stalk me. That and the fact that you had a piece of shit neon makes perfect sense Rosie.
    1 point
  13. I preferred DQ grilled burgers more than BK. But mine are the best:D
    1 point
  14. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=autorefctr User name: mtlib_2_1120 password: discovery
    0 points
  15. yea right off reynoldsburg new albany road between morse and flanagans .. i really think you are a idiot...
    0 points
  16. Not even close to the same...SAABs resale on the 9-7x is horrible, mainly because most don't like the styling. Not to mention, they dont take all the mods the same as the TBSS and tuning them is different as well.....but you knew that already right? Ita not that i sont like them, or that I wouldnt trade, but aelling that stock saab for the right amount will be harder than aelling this outright For what inqant IMO. You'd be hard pressed to get $19-20k max for it just because it's a Saab ...in that case I'll take your Saab and $16k. Deal?
    0 points
  17. Typing in all caps, really? I mean really? It really gets your point across so much better. If the officers were told by their supers or whomever that the address was correct, what should they do? Call ahead and ask if Mr. Suspect is available for arresting? If that's the last known good address on file for the suspect, they have to believe it's valid and proceed. However, since we don't have all the facts I am not holding them at fault. They responded to the situation that was presented to them and unfortunately that ended in a loss of life. So many things COULD have happened differently, but they didn't. What? If he didn't answer the door with a gun, he may not have been shot. The point is, everyone wants to completely lynch the officers without having all the facts. A guy goes guns blazing in a pizza shop is a hero yet these officers are being lynched for performing their JOB?
    0 points
  18. I have a wife for picking up and cleaning. But cool none the less.
    -1 points
  19. I have one but It may out of your price range. PM me if you want the baddest AR-15s on CR. To much to list and 1,000 rounds come with it.
    -1 points
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