I'm a pussy who just came home from Afghanistan 3 months ago and have been on the bike for only two track days in the last month. I'm a new rider. And realistic, if anything. The last thing I want is to come home from a year of near misses, just to wreck a bike in the rain. So if this is a pussy thing, we can meet up and sort out your definition of a pussy. Or you can shut the fuck up. I ride within my limits. Any time you care to join me in the other things I do for fun, feel free. Difference is, instead of calling you a pussy when you can't make it down a mountain snowboarding or just aren't able to keep up, I'd help you. With all the shit I heard about AFJ, with people like you running your mouth, no wonder there is tention. Brannon turned out to be extremely helpful at the track and sociable each time I've met him or talked on here. I hardly get on here, but reading shit like " You paid, you might as well go out and ride". That's mindless. Or have you missed the several times I mentioned I was a Novice rider, for you to keep pushing that someone should just go out, no matter what. You're an idiot, see I can call names too, and the last person I would want to get bike advice from. Feel free to PM me with any issues.