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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2012 in Posts

  1. excuse my rant as its not directed at you but in general... EVERYONE DRIVES A FUCKING CAR on this board, the term cagers is hands down the stupidest god damn thing I see spewed on this board on a daily basis next to "clips" and "crotch rocket" /rant
    4 points
  2. I bet "HERO" = Homo Erotic Riders Organization
    2 points
  3. Hey the man is trying to sell a bike to get on something bigger. He is a big boy and can make his own decisions. I could care less if he is going to be a greasey spot on some road? I guess I haven't been on here long enough to understand why everyone else is so concerned and they felt the need for 11 pages of documentation. But hey!
    2 points
  4. I don't blame him for wanting to step up from the 250, I say if he feels ready then so be it. I wouldn't want to ride a small bike for long myself. I started on dirtbikes at age 11, got hurt often, learned lessons, but none of which really applied to the street other than fundamental operation of a motorcycle. Dirt and asphalt, virtually zero comparison between them at a street riding level. My first streetbike was an '82 KZ550, which was a huge leap from the CR125 that I had prior to it and yeah, I wrecked it my first summer......so I fixed it and sold it off. Just wasnt ready for the change I guess and was man enough to acknowledge that fact, temporarily that is. Then after some years of shit/life I bought a YZF1000R, huge jump from a bike half that size years prior.....but it was never wrecked the years I rode it. All comes down to respect for the machine and the possibilities of what it can do to you. If he sells the 250R and buys a 600, good for him......it is quite a leap, but its also steps like these that teach each of us newfound respect for the bikes we ride, especially every time we'd upgrade our bores and strokes. Let him grow and learn like we've all done. Like he said ( and others here have said too ) there are dangerous elements no matter what we ride, be it a bicycle or a Busa
    1 point
  5. Well, Ray is a professional, and is drag racing. That wouldn't make much sense, would it retard?
    1 point
  6. the one where the aging hippies are selling "Ohio Corn" in May? Agree with the nod to OMC - good stuff. As to the OP (bacon shortage) - I guess Obama will blame this on Bush, too?
    1 point
  7. HEY! We were slightly less negligent and delinquent than those negligent delinquent fuckers! Give us our not paid for house back!
    1 point
  8. Well...i know Hellmutt's in for a surprise if he tries some surprise :takeit: Poor guy...
    1 point
  9. i've been meaning to buy a big freezer for the basement to stuff with meat. after i get done fucking your moms, i'll go buy a big freezer and stuff it with bacon.
    1 point
  10. I read this last night... Turkey bacon is your friend.
    1 point
  11. I gots dis ratkoon outside muh house. Dis dute gon get it today, today is not his day... today is muh day. WOMAN..... GET MUH SHOVEL... DA DAM RATCOONS BACK!!!!! "sips busch light" YOU GUN DIE COON! TODAY YOU DIE.........
    1 point
  12. What a bunch of idiot shit. Creature had to suffer because you're too much of a fuckup to kill it properly. But wait! It probably didn't even need to die. But you have tons of experience diagnosing wild animals, Im sure. Seriously, it was too much for you to handle an animal in your trash and your best and brightest idea was your pathetic attempt at torturing and mutilating a living creature. Then, you have the troll audacity to post a thread with that title, you worthless fuck? Not everyone will agree with me here, but they're not "pests". They're living creatures trying to survive in a place where we've taken away their ability to live as intended. Stop being so self-important. They don't want to live around frightened, ignorant humans, ie; the OP, any more than you want them in your trash and shit. (BTW, properly secure your trash and it won't be a problem.) Try to be understanding people. I really cannot even understand why people need this explained to them. Oh, and leave the fucking skunks alone. Fucking A. How is it that they are hurting you or threatening you?! There has to be something mentally wrong with you. haha I have skunks around here all the time. Sometimes I photograph them, somtimes I just watch and enjoy them. Occasionally, they get a little too close to the garage opening or something and I simply shoo them away. Once, I had one chase me a short bit (I may've been too aggressive with my shooing. I laughed as I moved away. No part of me thought, oh shit, I need to kill it so I feel like I have control over some part of my life or Oh noes! It's coming to kill me! It's one thing if the animal is exhibiting obvious signs of disease, but that's what the information below is for. You shouldn't be engaging or improperly disposing of the animal if that's the case anyway. Final bit of advice: There are mulitple organizations, both public and private, who will take care of any wild animal problems you have for free. That includes ME. I'm sure I'll catch flak for this emotionally charged post. So be it.
    1 point
  13. This thread delivers. The only thing I'll add is, it takes a small minded person to ignore facts or refuse to debate facts. I'm talking facts, not opinion. If you're posting something as 'fact' and you're not prepared to back it up with facts...again, not opinions....then prepare to be sodomized by the interwebz. This goes for the lefties, the righties and the folks who swing both ways. It's true, you can't convince someone of something if they are brainwashed or determined to believe the contrary (I read that on the internets, so it must be true). But, before you pull that card, you need to be able to present ACTUAL facts, not opinions based on an obscure article you read on the internet or heard on a biased talk show somewhere. I challenge everyone to come out of their comfort zone and actually digest their news and information from sources they would normally avoid. Start with something that isn't based in this country...branch out from there...and see the world from other perspectives. Do it quickly..so we can all get back to ridin' one handed whoolies while we fap with the other hand.
    1 point
  14. I'll change it from cagers to drivers that don't pay attention. Sorry to piss in your cheerios this morning.
    1 point
  15. A moment to reflect...and thank you all again. I know some of you but most I don't. You all have shown nothing but support though in a tough time for me and my brother. I know some of you probably dug a little deeper in your pockets than what you really wanted to, and I truly appreciate it. I've posted this raffle on a few other forums and have gotten mostly great responses as well, but I was just blown away by what happened on a car forum that I used to be a really active member on. I got comments such as "1 in 200 odds isn't good enough for me to blow 80 bucks" and "I'd rather take my money and put it on 00 at the roulette table" etc. It then got so far out of hand I just wound up deleting my posts from the thread and moving on. With that in mind, I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone again, so Thank You All! For the kind words, thoughts, and prayers as well as buying tickets.
    1 point
  16. I am going to take a msf course first,before riding.
    1 point
  17. this ^^ if you ever need advice on ANYTHING related to deadly weapons this is the place, i'd look elsewhere for advice on motorcycles though haha... welcome
    1 point
  18. Nah, I'd bet she's been getting it plenty.....just not making it public knowledge. Guys have to work towards it one woman at a time, but women usually have their choice of a multitude of cock that would readily participate (warning, quality of said participation may vary:D).....the biggest problem ladies have is choosing which guy wont kill them and rape their corpse.....and they say WE got it easy?
    1 point
  19. I'd be willing to sweep since I plan to ride the slow/moderate paced group as I know nothing of the roads there and want to stick close to my wife on the ride.
    1 point
  20. the ex-wife wanted one when we were married. glad i stayed away from the nitro and even happier i got rid of her.
    1 point
  21. If you are teathering and not paying for it then you are inviolation of your contract and they can change you to a plan that has teathering priced in. You are essentially stealing a service others are paying for as well as a service that is a revenue stream for AT&T.
    1 point
  22. the people you just described, are not on OR...so i dont see the point of this thread...anyone who is enough of an enthusiast to participate in this website, is more than likely not the people youre describing.....
    1 point
  23. Damn, nice car! I'm sure Rocky will allow you to post kill stories with this...
    -1 points
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