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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2012 in all areas

  1. My $.02 on Armed2Defend. I was skeptical mainly because it is so much cheaper than some. Arrived a little early and there was already a guy waiting to help park. Went inside and there are two sign-in areas: prepaid and not. Got some coffee, started on time. Time flew through lunch. Bring your own or go in on a pizza buffet. Attorney comes in for his 2 hour talk. VERY informative and worth while. You'll learn a lot even if you think you already know it all. Some more class time, then off to the range for 2 hours. Not a bad drive at all. Small range with a pisser and food / coffee for sale. Back to class for the remaining time. Some videos, some more power points, an open book test... done. There is a definite mix of ages, races, knowledge, abilities, that's for sure. Overall, I would recommend it to anyone.
    1 point
  2. Contact Skullcandy. They have a limited lifetime warranty on all of their equipment. This should be covered and it's worth a try.
    1 point
  3. You guys can carry your emergency tampons around in your M(anP)urse.
    1 point
  4. Scream for help = call the cops. Why else would she scream for help?
    1 point
  5. It's scary enough with just the wad being shot at you. If you leave one loaded your going to have quite a mess to clean up. Whether you hit them or they just shit everywhere.
    1 point
  6. I think im just gonna stick with the MS3. It was my first choice really and after reading a lot i feel like the only people that dont want to DD it are people who dont want to deal with any bs cause its there daily. I dont really mind so much so im going for it. Just got to make sure i got everything to do the swap before i actually start. Need to grab some arp bolts for what i cant remember, have it wrote down, but cant really wait.
    1 point
  7. Welcome to OR....and shenanigans is what goes on here.
    1 point
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