If we are going to get practical about this issue, than we need to get at the heart of both WHY and HOW these people go through mass shootings (mass and high profile shootings are the only thing that get the public riled up, so I think we can restrict it to that). The major response to WHY is that these people are mentally unstable. Our country has a piss poor system of acknowledging, responding and treating mentally ill patients. We have it in our laws that those who are mentally unstable may not have a gun, but how often is that actually used? The media then treats these shooters as famous celebrities; telling you their entire background, when they are going to court next, how they looked in court, did they have compassion, what did they say etc... Someone who is mentally ill with no social network would see this as a way to become famous and would try to 1-up the last person. Can you name 5 total victims from either the batman or CT shootings? Chances are that you can't, but I'm sure the shooters' names are a lot clearer. We have already repeatedly stated and shown in this thread that guns are not the problem. You cannot convince someone that guns are not the problem if they believe they are, instead give them an alternate reason and something else to regulate. People want to do something to prevent shootings, the only thing that comes to most people's mind is laws and regulation, so give them something else to regulate. I would also like to touch on the point that felon =/= bad person. It doesn't mean they are in a gang, it doesn't mean they joined one in prison, it doesn't mean they are violent, it doesn't mean they will commit crimes and it doesn't mean they are irresponsible with firearms. It means they committed a felony, then they served their time and are square with the state. This is a whole different issue of "rehabilitation" and our inability to see those who went to jail as normal people again, which I will not touch on. But lets not group those who committed copyright infringement, vandalism (on federal property) etc. on the same pedestal as violent, repeat offenders.