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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2013 in Posts

  1. I had the day off today and was sitting around drinking some Reds Apple Ale and really doing some Deep thinking and I thought about an age old question: Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts? Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts. Well, after another beer, and some heavy deductive thinking, I have come up with the answer to that question. Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby; and here is the reason for my conclusion. A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child." On the other hand, you never hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts." I rest my case. Time for another beer.
    5 points
  2. I don't think it makes that much of a difference when Johnny/Nancy Shithead have their head buried in a text message. Get whatever you think looks the best and concentrate more on avoiding assholes and developing a 6th sense of their whatthefuckery driving
    2 points
  3. The house is a known meth/crack house. Hopefully they catch the two dudes who my guy confronted. They took off running when he verified the vin number.
    2 points
  4. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/83693715/
    1 point
  5. Nah, it's still totally rideable. It was 39 when I left the house and 45 when I got back, which is exactly what I rode in this weekend. That's still good riding weather with just basic insulated gear. To me, hardcore is anything below freezing due to black ice hazards, but to your point, that what next weekend is supposed to have.
    1 point
  6. Then let's dispense with passive and add middle finger stickers in between...
    1 point
  7. I'm leaning towards a white helmet with reflective No Cell Phones stickers on the back and sides... ;-)
    1 point
  8. I was planning on writing this after I had some more miles on the pads, but since a certain guy just asked about them..I figured I'd write up a quick review for him. Old Pads: EBC HH seem to be the most popular pads for the Busas. They are very good pads, with great feel to them, and very good stopping power. I had absolutely no complaints about them. I have always used EBC's, and have never had any problems with them. I'm sure there are better pads out there, but they certainly offer very good value for the price. How I came across my current pads: About 2k miles ago, after reading several reviews on different sites, I decided I would try and save a couple $$, and test out that popular Ebay "budget" brand, Sixity, on the front. I know, I've heard all the negatives, of you get what you pay for...don't skimp on the important parts..blah blah blah. I don't need to hear those comments. I know the risks, and I am willing to take the chance. I'm not a racer, and I'm certainly not rich, so I decided I would try them out. I was prepared to buy another set of EBC HH's though in case I wasn't happy with these. Type I ordered: I went with the Sintered version, I usually put on a lot of miles on my bikes, so I wanted the extra pad life. (They are also a couple bucks cheaper then the ceramic) They have the best braking power, which is always good with my fairly heavy bike. Shipping: They come to you, via USPS Priority mail, and I had them 2-3 days after I placed my order. The pads themselves, are just in generic plastic. Scary, how just pads being shipped in generic plastic, without any cardboard makes you start to get nervous lol. Installation: Just as easy as any other brake pads I've ever installed. Nothing tricky. Fit was perfect. First Thoughts: My initial impression, after hitting the brakes for the first few times..were these Sixity pads are stopping me a Little better then the EBC HH's. They seemed to be just a tad bit Louder then the EBC's though. Current Thoughts Now, 2k miles later, my impressions are still pretty much the same as my initial ones. They have great "feel" to them, which I would rate as Equal to the EBC's. They stop me a little bit better then the EBC HH's. They are also still slightly louder then them too. I pretty much always have a helmet and headphones on though, and can't hear them. Even with the music shut off, I can't hear the brakes, so they are by no means Loud. I can only hear them when I have no lid, and no headphones, which is just about never. So far, I am Very happy with them. I have a pretty laid back style of riding, aside from the occasional high speed bursts, and they work perfect for me. So far, I have NO complaints about them. My only "concern" will be how long they last. Only time will tell on that one. Pricing: It's been a little while since I checked, but I believe they are roughly half price of the EBC HH's. I bought mine through Ebay, and after using Bing's cash back program, I believe they ended up costing me around $29, for 2 sets of front (1 set each rotor) shipped to me. As long as they last a decent amount of time, then I will have no problems buying them again as my next set. As a bonus, I got a cheap little business card in the package with them, giving me a code for 10% of my next purchase from http://www.sixity.com/ Other Stuff: They also sell some other maintenance items, such as spark plugs, and head lights, as well as some stuff for cars. I really don't remember what all they have though. Thanks for reading! Ben
    1 point
  9. it's Vagina Com (or vag-com for short). get it right.
    1 point
  10. Mags a RWNJ? Never thought I'd see anyone post that. LOL.
    1 point
  11. I effing hate headlight modulators. If you ride with me please turn them off. If they had any actual benefit, car and motorcycle manufacturers would offer them.
    1 point
  12. I think the whole system is BS and needs straight revamped from top to bottom. Not saying do away with it, but needs way more restrictions and requirements to function as it was intended. Will we ever see anything change, nope, no chance. Too many people use and abuse it to ever allow any kid of vote or person who might change it into office. Favorite story was my wife in home healthcare when she first got out of grad school. Went to a house in the hilltop area, had 6 kids, mother and grandmother both on welfare, baby's daddy on welfare, said they had to be to take care of that many kids. It was this time of the year, the Christmas tree was surrounded by gifts, wrapped, and more than she could count. She came back to our house and we had about 5 gifts under the tree, living with a pretty solid combined income. It isn't just welfare, there are so many other handouts out there that are abused it is unreal. Even private food banks like from churches etc. I know stories about people who show up to car shows my dad goes to with 3 cars, not 1 but 3, then Monday following the show they are at the food bank getting their food for the week. FACT. Oh and I blame Clinton for all of this, not sure why, but because I can. Wait, maybe Sarah Palin is the person who needs blamed, or Ronald Regan? Abe Lincoln? Yeah, whoever.
    1 point
  13. only asians should vote. whitey ain't getting it done. END WHITE POWER NAO
    1 point
  14. Got a text about this from a friend the night it all hit TMZ hoping that by morning we would all know it wasn't so. Unfortunately looks like he's gone for good. Not sure what it says about me but the first movie I ever remember him in was the origional F&F, and I can still remember that night vividly. Everyone left the theatres with smile on their faces, spent a bunch of time in the parking lot talking trash and dreaming. So many of us got our first taste of tuning, of customizing, of hanging out in parts stores from these movies. As a whole the entire auto industry (production and aftermarket) owe much to Paul and these movies. They made it ok to be a petrol head again which anyone on this forum should appreciate. He will be missed.
    1 point
  15. Cops our at the address the car was under a tarp and being loading on a flatbed when spotted. Not even my car and all I did was relay information. But that is a fucking adrenaline rush getting that call.
    1 point
  16. So, uh, what were the Black Friday specials? I don't see them posted.
    1 point
  17. Sent my guys a message. If located and verified will contact local pd and post something here.
    1 point
  18. NOW.....we are talking!!!!!
    1 point
  19. i put a set of Sixity on my front...they are great...got them off ebay....was hesitant at first to get something like that from ebay but they've been great. They are a dirty pad though since they're organic...there's virtually no noise.
    1 point
  20. Update. I just spoke with Nathan. Pretty sure the car was just found.
    0 points
  21. No, not drunk.... YET! However, I have no compassion for anyone who's life was taken due to their own stupidity. Did I know the guy? No. Did anyone here know the guy? Doubtful. Ok.. so the dude made a few movies a few folks liked. So what? People die every day. Life goes on. Perhaps I see death different then most. KillJoy
    -1 points
  22. Jones is right. Besides, everyone reading this thread knows how bad he is making himself look, no reason to drag yourself down with him. Hell, he looks worse than Rustlestiltskin, who is one of the most useless people on this site.
    -1 points
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