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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2014 in all areas

  1. I was riding 536 yesterday and my handling was going away quickly. By the end I was sliding all over the road. I pulled over to inspect the bike and found a puncture in my rear tire. Rear PSI was down to 12 lbs. This 12v Slime mini compressor is bad ass. It weighs about 2 lbs and fits in a tank or tail bag. It will plug into a Battery Tender lead or clip onto battery terminals. It inflates a tire in about 3 minutes. I always travel with this compressor and a tire plug kit. I never had to use it until yesterday. It came in really handy, especially since I was 200 miles from home.
    1 point
  2. July 12, 2012, my twin brother passed away in a motorcycle accident. I got him into riding and he was incredibly passionate about it. Although passionate, he was very reckless, and took risks on a bike that many wouldn't even dare. Unfortunately, two years ago, he took one of those risks and paid the ultimate price. When he passed, I sold my first bike to help pay for the funeral. After a year of not riding, I realized this was something my brother wouldn't have wanted. He wanted me to ride. Therefore, I try to ride on the 12th every year in his memory. This 7-12 happens to be on a Saturday, therefore, I want to make it a long ride. Who wants to join me on Saturday 7/12/14 Plan on leaving early in the morning - like Millersburg no later than 9. I'd like to ride down to Marietta and back - 83, 78, 26,800, 7, 26, 550, 13, 78, 83. Here's tentative route: http://tinyurl.com/oar6unq Pace will be brisk, but no one will get left behind. We will wait for everyone at turns and stop signs. My family is holding a little family get together around 8pm so I want to be back by then. I have no problem leading. although my navigation skills sometimes lack, so we may have to double back every now and again. It's not a memorial ride for you guys, it's just something I do on a personal level for myself to remember him my way. It's nothing more than a ride for the rest, and a bit more special for myself, so I hope those who can join will want to. Let me know.
    1 point
  3. Sorry to hear about your brother. Nice route. Wish I could make it. I've already been committed to other plans.
    1 point
  4. F racking and horizontal drilling have delivered the goods that a succession of the last 10 blowhards in the white house could not.
    1 point
  5. Take the pieces off and drill. Do not drill on the bike as it is much tougher. The issue on the ZX14 is the front axle. It is an Allen style and needs to have the holes drilled at an angle to allow the axle to recess in the fork lowers. This is easy to do and again - do on all flat sides. Reason being is that if you drill the way it is on the bike now, the holes may not align the right amounts when tigethened. Take the front axle on both sides and pull to tighten and connect to the pinch bolts which are very easy to drill. Again, all flat sides is best. For the rear axle, it is done for you. It has a cotter pin through the rear nut and axle. So, you just need to get a large sized diaper pin style cotter and wire to the axle adjuster bolts. Use the diaper style so you can release it easily. Use heat shrink for a professional result...
    1 point
  6. Anal or asshole you call it, I'm not going to pretend I know how far or often you ride. But for me a Saturday ride may involve a couple of state lines and 400+ miles, so I don't take chances with maintenance. Like my boy Hellmutt said its a sound investment of time& $$.
    1 point
  7. Ah, it's been a while since i've posted on Politics, time to dust off the blockquoter and see if this thing still works. I'll take these out of order. So is it your contention that the link between job and healthcare be severed completely? Perhaps in favor of something like universal coverage or single payer? If that's the case, then sign my ass up. As for the Catholic Church bit, in this particular ruling yes, the government is responsible for their views since the government, via SCOTUS, by acting as arbiter of what constitutes a "valid religious view", is basically giving a government sanction to their views. Also, as of last Tuesday, the SCOTUS already expanded the ruling to include ALL contraceptives, not just the 4 abortifacients in Hobby Lobby. So there's that. You had mentioned the "narrowness" of this ruling earlier, when "closely-held companies" make up roughtly 90% of all businesses in the US, how is that a narrow ruling? No, it's not a "stupid misreading". It's in the US Code (1 U.S.C. §1) In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, unless the context indicates otherwise-- the words "person" and "whoever" include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies, as well as individuals; While your statement after Citizens United isn't wrong, the way that definition has creeped into other things is the source of our concern. For instance, given Hobby Lobby, now corporations have recognized religious views and values. What happens when they attempt to use those to discriminate against other people? (And before you bash the Church as not being relevant in the link, remember the Catholic Church is a non-profit corporation in the US.) Add onto that Citizens United rulings, which meant that corporations can not only give unlimited funds to candidates, but do so in secret, AND without regulations for the truthfulness of any ads generated (PAC's run their own ads, "not coordinating" with the regular campaign to create deniability, see swiftboating), and there's a real concern for where American society is heading. Yes, corporations are tax structures made up of people. It's sole reason for being is to make money for its shareholders. Period, full stop.
    1 point
  8. I saw this at the Wheels Through Time Museum. It was on a HD that came in 3rd place in the Iron Butt Rally. It seems fitting to post it here, because some of us didn't pay close enough attention to our final receipt.
    1 point
  9. Bump C'mon ya slackers! Sign up!
    1 point
  10. She could have shown an ID and some respect, and she would have walked away with no charges. It was her ego that was the biggest problem. I have never listed my profession or employer during a traffic stop, because it is immaterial.
    1 point
  11. I understand that AZ is a "Stop and Identify" state and so is OH according to this website, so she was required to show her ID or be arrested (officers discretion, I'd hope): http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_and_identify_statutes Personally, if the po-po get in your face about something, your best bet is to shut up and comply. You can deal with any legal problems related to it at a later date with your lawyer's assistance.
    1 point
  12. Our president keeps telling us this.
    1 point
  13. I had both a Mossberg shotgun and a Beretta pistol in the Marine Corps. I own both now as a civilian. What makes you say I shouldn't have them?
    1 point
  14. Mixed thoughts... I mean tax dollars did pay for it, so I'm glad we're getting to keep it instead of abandoning it in Iraq or giving it to the Afghan army as a gift... And I understand there is a possibility that the police would somehow end up in a situation that it might be useful... But I just don't see the chances of that being big enough to justify them needing this... It seems like this is the first step to turning even more cops into stupid commando fucks... While I'm happy our tax dollars are being recycled rather than given away like usual, I'd much rather see this type of shit put in storage until needed again, or at least given somewhere that it may be useful (might come in handy for border patrol or something like that - since fucking Mexico wants to continue invading our borders and shooting at our border patrol agents)
    1 point
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