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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2014 in all areas

  1. Merchants lost goods in both cases. You are so wise...or... The tea was destroyed on sight, to make a political statement. All in one specific incident. Goods are being stolen in Ferguson, for personal gain. Across many different occasions. Is stealing alcohol and beauty products, from your own community, a productive way to express your distrust for an abusive police force?
    3 points
  2. The crime is far from identical. The tea was the problem, as in Tea Tax. The local 7/11 isn't the problem, yet it's being ransacked.
    2 points
  3. Welcome to NEO. My wife works for GY. We live in North Canton/Jackson township. About a 20 minute commute and great schools. Hudson has great schools too.
    1 point
  4. Probably want to look into stow, Munroe falls or cuyahoga falls then for easy route 8 access. Even green wouldn't be a bad drive.
    1 point
  5. After looking at the new GoPro Hero specs, I think it would do fine for the sled. http://shop.gopro.com/cameras/hero/CHDHA-301.html And from the list, looks like it comes with both backs, a curved mount ( perfect for helmets), and a flat mount for the side of the sled or something.
    1 point
  6. Taxation without representation vs gangsta bitch hood attacking cop and getting his ass shot...
    1 point
  7. If you think these rioters are thinking at a higher level(beyond their small neighborhood), you need to get out more.
    1 point
  8. Why do you hate her? Either A: Stop being a cheap ass and buy her a decent, safe, reliable car. Or, B: Don't buy her anything until the spring/summer, after she has more experience, after winter. It's not like she magically "needs" a car the day she turns 16, right?
    1 point
  9. Ok, go live on Oakdale or crosby....west akron is pretty bad with the exception of highland square and Merriman /portage.
    1 point
  10. West Akron is perfectly safe. Its east Akron to avoid
    1 point
  11. This +10000000. Goodyear Hts, North Hill and West Akron I would avoid - as CSC said, some parts are ok but there is a lot of overlap with the bad parts. Ellet (east side of akron, bordering Tallmadge and Springfield) or the Merriman valley (bordering cuy falls/Bath) are really the only places I'd live within Akron proper. I'd look in the suburbs suggested above. If you find a specific place and want to know about the area, shoot me a PM. Source: Grew up in Akron and lived in Ellet for 3 years
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. If you like your illegal immigrant you can keep your illegal immigrant.
    1 point
  14. I cant find whos asked about some decals I had but I cant find it so it has probably been tossed Sorry
    -1 points
  15. -1 points
  16. Yes, but think of the professional athletic teams. We needs them brothers! They can stay!
    -1 points
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