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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2015 in all areas

  1. 50% chance of rain means, If I don't ride to work, it will be sunny all day. If I do ride to work, it will turn into monsoon season three miles from my house. .
    3 points
  2. So you prefer to get a base car over a loaded car and spend MORE? This This DO IT
    1 point
  3. After finishing the Gap, I had to stop to take a breather. My legs were shaking from the constant shift in body position. We stopped just across the bridge. Just finished the Gap: Chilhowee Lake (lake next to Gap bridge): I will say that the trip was amazing in all! In total I was at about 1800 miles when I returned home safely. We did come across a harley rider who went down in the Smokey Mountain National Park just before dusked. He went over the edge and was down a long embankment. A rider asked us to stop and help with the bike. We stopped, but after another 30 people stopped, we decided there were too many people trying to help and it was causing chaos. We waited on emergency services and then left. I will definitely be back to the Gap and make it a point to stay more than the full day we were able to on this trip. I could definitely see a good week there next year. Thank you all for reading and hopefully you got a bit of enjoyment out of this. Until the next ride!
    1 point
  4. I find it interesting that you're getting pissy about acting as a middleman after posting goods as a..wait for it..middleman.
    1 point
  5. I would move to Colorado in a heartbeat if the wife would be willing.
    1 point
  6. I'm going to Gaithersburg, Maryland on Friday night and leaving Saturday morning around 10am. If you can get the bike there, I'll strap it in the bed and bring it back. No charge.
    1 point
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