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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2015 in all areas

  1. Great gloves I have the same pair I've been using for probably 5 years now. I agree that A* gloves seem to run a size small compared to other brands
    1 point
  2. I'll freely admit it was my ad. Didn't realize it got cross posted here until someone on a ride told me earlier today so I figured I'd check in. The ad was taken down because the car sold... however, before it was taken down, I made sure through disseminating it to everyone I knew, that it got to the little urchin in question. She apparently went fucking apeshit, but hey, that's someone else's problem now. The blunt truth is often an ugly thing, and if she found the description to be disrespectful, maybe she should modify her cunt-baggish behavior to something more appropriate.
    1 point
  3. Jim's favorite ride accessory.
    1 point
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