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  1. Not on my bike. The backrest would interfere with the trunk.
    1 point
  2. I had a Givi V46 with pad on my 04 and it was great. The E55 is a huge "Dead Hooker Box" and it may have a crosswind component on the open road.
    1 point
  3. I've got the Givi E55 w/ passenger pad and the older version of this backrest for my Connie: https://www.advancedsporttouring.com/Concours_Removable_Passenger_Backrest_p/c14-22.htm My kids prefer the backrest to the Givi with the passenger pad. The back rest is rounded, more comfortable, and more rigid. They say that they can feel the Givi flexing when leaning back under hard acceleration.
    1 point
  4. I definitely welcome your feedback and what you are saying and watching a full session back makes a lot of sense. I did think in my head I had to slam on the brakes to get slowed down for the slow corners and was hard at the time to ease on the brakes and flow through the corner. Thanks for the link as well. I am really looking forward to spending a lot of time at PIR next year.
    1 point
  5. You do realize that by following the cult of trump and believing everything they say that you yourself are a sheep being led right?
    1 point
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