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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2024 in all areas

  1. No doubt you made the correct choice. Sorry to hear about a kidney loss. That certainly had to have been a worrisome time, glad to hear that you are still able to enjoy life with a new bike on the other side. I did my midlife crisis 15 years ago. Make sure you don't leave anything on the table when you go through yours. It gets harder to do what you think you can do as you get older.
    1 point
  2. I have had my eye on the 4rr for 2 years. I saved and could have paid cash for her (just limited upgrades and break the bank). With losing a kidney last summer it is not reasonable for me to push limits or truck for a few more years. Internal healing will take some extra time. I do want that bike, but just cant justify it right now. It was really hard to walk away from it, especially with it staring at me as I sat on the 500. I have zero plans to keep the 500 for 11 years like I did the 300, and I still have a midlife crisis to go through. If I could have 2 bikes, it would be in my garage too.
    1 point
  3. Weather for the start of the Arctic Circle journey was looking iffy so I did two things: I delayed the start a few days so I wouldn’t be riding through rain to start the trip, and I also booked a small cabin at Cannabis Creek Cabins in Luther Michigan. They are as affordable as a motel and includes a nice gift bag with some tasty treats! Should be a great end of the first full day’s riding on the 15th after an overnight stay at my Father’s. Sunny 2.0 is completely loaded and champing at the bit to get going. You’ll be able to track my progress through the Yukon and Alaska with this link to my Garmin Inreach Mini satellite tracker! https://share.garmin.com/HWJA4
    1 point
  4. Don't look it's just poor rejected little ole me.
    0 points
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