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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2024 in all areas

  1. Today Work on my new DR.650 Project. 1. Wind screen 2, Bark Busters. 3.Bar risers 4. Skid Plate 5 Peg/Brake lever Lowers. 6. Center stand 7. Rear Rack. 8. Sealed rear Rim & Installed Mitas E-o7 tire https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsBAaDfZkbxULiV3c5MohnA
    1 point
  2. Sorry couldn't update here as the forum was not loading for me. Some kind of error , ty again for coming out in the cold @Gpaw @durk @B-Mac so nice to meet familiar faces again. we got back Saturday night itself. It was a fun day getting to meet yall and riding with you again. Hopefully get to do it again in fall. missed meeting you @Tonikand @Pauly till next time
    1 point
  3. By the time we hit 536 I was back in my Ohio gear haha but I love that first day back where every hill is a surprise gift . Is it going to be left or right or straight lol and the non stop roller coaster feel and giggles 😄
    1 point
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