There are a few of us going down next week to Deals Gap and staying at the GDMR. Originally it was just me going down by myself but now a few others have decided to join me. So I thought I would open the invite to anyone else that can make last minute plans. As of the time of this post they still have a couple available rooms. Link will be below.
I will be down 7/21-7/26
A couple other guys will be joining me in my room 7/22-7/26
And one other got his own room from 7/23-7-26
So the more the merrier if you want to come down and hang with some bubbys. This is not an official organized trip or endrorced in anyway by anyone. It's show up on your own do your own thing or put together your own group rides or just hang out.
Here is a link to room availability.