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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2015 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Justin is good people. It was a good shop when he was there, went to shit while he was away. Buuuuut hes back, so ill be stopping back down there more often now.
    1 point
  3. Are there any open cabin spots? I have a truck and trailer, I can haul a few bikes. But I live near Cincinnati...
    1 point
  4. A couple of bayonets from my collection.
    1 point
  5. a few of my better life choices taking fruit ninja too serial mall ninja too serial steak knife my fave by virtue of amount of usage my "dressy" knife because the clip is VERY minimal and i think it looks nice finally, i have half a dozen of these strewn throughout the house and shop so i'm never without a knife. these were like $6~7 at some point, so i bought a ton I also have a bunch of benchmades and other microtechs, but they're in the safe and i don't feel like getting them out. also a whole assortment of various other knives, but they're also distributed randomly in the house so meh
    1 point
  6. Badass man you going to order some of FSS E55 products hahaha
    1 point
  7. Damn kids these days. http://www.google.com/search?q=Evel+Kneivel+full+face+helmet&oq=Evel+Kneivel+full+face+helmet&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8&gws_rd=ssl
    1 point
  8. Here's the edc drawer of my night stand, lots of kershaw in there, a few crkt and a smith and wesson. And here's a few shots of my fanciest knife, wife got it for me back before we married. The brand I think is bear and sons. Damascus blade, stainless bolster and stag horn handles. Holds an edge really well but is impossible to keep rust-free
    1 point
  9. I'll go first. Yesterday I ran across a Kershaw 1480 Nakamura that I just couldn't leave in the case. It has a 2.88 inch clad Japanese VG10 steel blade, Mokume bolsters (19 layers of stainless, copper and brass) and a 3.88 inch Quince Burlwood handle. Has a perfectly offset removable clip, measures 6.75 inches open and weighs 3.2 oz. The blade is wicked sharp and the centering dead-on. I won't use this knife for hard tasks but will probably make it my main carry folder for a while.
    1 point
  10. We ride down, as far as the cabin $$$ right now there are 3 for sure. Cabin has 3 bedrooms, master is mine and other two are taking a twin room. That leaves a twin room and a couch. Price depended on how many occupants.
    -1 points
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