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Everything posted by kspiatt

  1. I have 4 235/65/16 pirelli scorpion tires for sale three of them have 8/32 tread on them the forth has 6/32 asking $150 obo.
  2. where did you get the estimate done? you should take it to vic's body shop. i work at byer's volvo and we send all of our cars to them. they do a great job.
  3. kspiatt

    Good Music

    rooney, death cab for cutie, the postal service, johnny cash, pall wall, mike jones
  4. The amp is a power acoustik A2400DB 2400 watt mono amplifier, 1800 watts rms 2400 max, 1 ohm stable. This is a high quality digital amplifier. The subwoofer is a power acoustik FBX-15 1600 watts power handling 800 Watts RMS 290 oz. magnet 2.5" BASV voice coil SPL 93dB Fs: 28 Hz Vas: 4 cu.ft. Qms: 3.36 Qes: 0.6 Qts: 0.5105 Xmax: 0.6" Sealed box: 2 cu..ft. Ported box: 2 cu..ft. http://www.poweracoustik.com/images/fbx.jpg I'd like $500 for both...This setup is very loud.
  5. creative custom choppers, $239 for viper remote starters installed. Kelly has been doing them for 15 years. The viper alarms have a bypass box that holds a spare key to get around the factory theft system, I believe its an extra $89 and you have to give up one of the factory keys. 740-362-0694
  6. http://www.personal.kent.edu/~gwheelan/car.jpg
  7. the course in delaware is given at the delaware career center. i believe it goes from april to october, but i wouldn't swear to it.
  8. the 830 that i have is in good shape i will take pics and post them.
  9. lug pattern 4x110 4x114 tire size is 225/45/17
  10. the bolts are called cheese-head bolts and we have pliers for that style clamp at the shop. Matco carries them as well.
  11. Ok so yesterday i get a letter in the mail saying that my liscense is suspended, and i have to pay $125 to get it re-instated. The only thing is i got pulled over in june didnt have proof of insurance on me, so i had to send it in. so i go and pay the fine, and fax in a copy of my insurance card, lady says ok i will post this. so now i get this letter and it says that it was suspended. Any idea what i should do? who i should call? where i should go to talk to someone about this? thanks in advance.
  12. could you send pics to kspiatt1@hotmail.com
  13. im pretty sure it is a group of winrar files. go to http://www.rarlab.com and download winrar. once you have that installed all you should have to do is right click on one of the files and select extract here. it should extract all the r** files and make them 1 big one.
  14. if you would give a ballpark of what you want, then you might get reasonable offers. $55 sound good?
  15. no im sure he had a tune on the car to make it last that long. Im just saying what it looks like to me.
  16. looks like it leaned out on ya and burnt a hole in it.... tuning = the win
  17. kspiatt

    need a song

    its on a cd called golden grain, by disturbing the peace. im looking for song number 5 its called big chain records, its a skit. please email me at gwheeland@delawarelibrary.org if you have this song.
  18. do you still have these if you do i will take them. let me know.
  19. did you get the car or is it still for sale? if it is still for sale can you send pics to kspiatt1@hotmail.com.
  20. if you don't get them in time can i call dibs next?
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