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Everything posted by tomato_racing

  1. My favorite was carrying speed through 3-4-5. I was taking it easy until the instructor told me he was hitting 5th gear back in there. I am so addicted to this stuff its not even funny.
  2. Eh, Ill play along with that too... then again she looks reeeeeeally short
  3. Yea he bumped me to I after the 'leapfrog' drill and halfway through the lap I lost the group. Ending up going 20 on the back straight for them to catch up. I had a blast but I just hope I don't end up doing too much too soon in Intermediate, that was still only my second track day.
  4. LOL This is true.... I'd like to get back out with you guys and get some tips. Are you going to Mid-Ohio later this month?
  5. Heck yea man! What group were you in? I dropped the ball on getting out there with other people I knew. Kawasaki Guy, Smokeshank and myself kind of just kicked it on the back row of the paddock
  6. Ohhh I didn't realize that was you that came over when I was talking to Jess. Thanks for introducing me Jess! lol Eflores, nice to meet you as well. I wish I would have stopped over earlier that day to meet you guys...
  7. Where was this that you found them?
  8. I get what you mean... granted I wasn't at Hobby Lobby for that revelation. What you said reminds me alot of 'The Pursuit of Function' if you have ever seen that video. Then again that was about the car scene but it all relates
  9. SO you have them covered then for Gingerman? I only have room for one more in my truck so I can't bring too many...
  10. My bike is ratcheted down and ready to rock, picking up the rest of the cbus crew early Saturday which should put us there mid afternoon.
  11. If I give you my old windscreen will you promise to put it on so I can see wtf is going on As always you looks pretty quick, you'll have to give me some pointers hen we end up at the track at the same time.
  12. Wow that hits close to home..... no really my mom's house is like right around the corner. RIP
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHA a couple of my coworkers just gave me a funny look when I saw that and laughed.
  14. If all else fails I borrowed Madcats trailer last night for this weekend. I don't think he would mind me using it to help you out...
  15. For obvious reasons I didn't make the jump.
  16. Thanks for the pics man! I'm actually going to Gingerman Sunday...
  17. Wish I had time to get a set before Saturday Im still with stock lines AND pads
  18. We are signed up for Sunday but are driving up on Saturday. I kind of regret signing up for Novice and not stepping to I but I'm sure it will be more fun/safer this way
  19. Can I get someones number that will be there on Saturday in case we get lost My number is 614-357-6292 -Jay
  20. you can make a thread.... it's all good!

  21. 'Stumble' button + boredom = http://www.nastyhobbit.org/player.php?clip=slow-jerk
  22. What exactly was wrong with the track?
  23. That bike looks sick! Hope it rides as well as it looks
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