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Everything posted by tomato_racing

  1. I could talk to my roommate.... It's funny that he was actually wearing a shirt from this place when I saw him today.
  2. People still use snail mail? Good for her, when will she be done?
  3. I know this is a broad question but what set will be best for entry level an Intermediate pace on a track only bike? I think my BT016s have about had it... Bike is an 06' GSXR600
  4. I rented the fight tonight and have lots of bleer. Most everyone I've met on here is pretty cool, so if anyone wants to come out give me a call (614 357 6292) and I can give you directions. I'm in the Dublin area and I figure its a cheap alternative to going out if everyone throws in a few bucks. If you are not a douchbag-- then you are more than welcome. -Tomato Jay
  5. I have AT&T Uverse and love it. Then again it's the first service I've had that can record. On the other hand my roommate handles the billing for it and has already had lots of trouble with our $300 'credit' as new customers.
  6. Is that a no on my bike? lol
  7. Hmmmmm if only you could do a little better on trade in for my clean 06 gsxr 600 I would be all over that 750 BOS bike, if it's still around.
  8. hm.... this would be a baller end to the season.
  9. GAHHHHHHHHHH I would like this too if 750 girl can't make it.
  10. Im coming up with KawiGuy, really quick does anyone know if my buddy will run into issues coming up to take pics that day? I want to make sure they aren't weird about that with any kind of a track photographer...
  11. Whne you gonna teach me how to do this stuff? lol
  12. Yup, I figured that much but he works at the Trek store so I'll have him spread the word for you.
  13. BUMP for Brian! Apparently you are on a couple forums with my roommate... he is really into the DH stuff and while I was showing him some pics a while back he recognized you and your bike.
  14. lol I misread what you wrote. I actually went downstairs and counted the beer cans from tonight... I thought to myself 'Good god I can't be that drunk that everyone looks the same, Can I?'
  15. Fail. I guess that's what I get for having met the guy like twice.
  16. Dude I didn't know you played the sax like this?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhBoR_tgXCI&feature=channel Besides this being my new favoite CD, I think Woodnote (the guy on the sax) looks like Ross701. Thoughts?
  17. No way that's true.... I'd put money on it.
  18. I have a Trex rear stand.... make an offer on it
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