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Everything posted by tomato_racing

  1. Friday is kind of random? I work 11-8 M-F but am down anytime before/after that if there is riding involved
  2. I didn't see just a video thread but this video is worthy of its own IMO. I've never seen so much badassedness crammed into 8 minutes. Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ7R_buZPSo
  3. Looks like you need a shamwow!!!!
  4. My bad, I'm flipping back and forth too much at work. I only read the first page. I feel worthless today and I'm starving, I guess I can blame that on it being Monday. I had no idea MJ was even a girl... er women. Why are you standing in water?
  5. "RUBBER CHICKEN COME BACK NAW YE HEAR!!!!" as random as it might be seeing rubber chicken made me lol. My dad has been a truck driver for forever in a day and that was his CB name or whatever. Meeting him you would never in a million years guess that's what he does. EDIT: Mother of god this thread was started 3 months ago.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm retarted.
  6. "js1gr7jax42103760 has not been identified as a vehicle listed in the VINCheck Theft Records." Lawlz CPD says otherwise (That is the VIN on the title I have for the bike that turned out to be stolen last year.)
  7. Glad to hear it! Do you go down there alot then I take it?
  8. Free bump for Brooks! I rode down to help him get some measurements for the GSXR today. Super cool guy and very knowledgeable, unfortunately we ran into a slight problem with Suzuki's design but it sounds like he can iron it out without too much trouble. The units themselves look very solid and I wouldn't hesitate to run one on my bike.
  9. They have everything taped off, I doubt you will get very close. You have to figure if anyone down there sees you with a piece you're fucked, CCW or not. From what I heard everyone is ok. I anyone would like for me to get more info feel free to PM me and I can check up with my buddies that I'm assuming will be down there for a while being questioned.
  10. I might take you up on that for the 30th
  11. I just got word someone was hit in the face with what sounds like a stray bullet at Taco Bell. Best I could get out of my friend who was standing there, 5 minutes ago when it happened, was that a Crown Vic pulled up and unloaded a clip. I don't have any of the specifics but if anyone knows people that were hanging out down there you might want to call them... my understanding is that the girl hit was still standing after it happened. It goes without saying that I hope she is alright.
  12. Bought a title (and I'm assuming frame) from NY off ebay or something. You would think if he was smart he would have swapped everything over and basically made everything untraceable. No, instead this guy just took a punch or something and stamped the VIN from the purchased title into the frame of the stolen bike. He 'sold' it to me EXACTLY how he stole it.
  13. ^^^ Same here after John, garage space would be nice
  14. I'm a supervisor over a claims contact center for Safelite Solutions.
  15. You still gonna trailer up to the track with me?

  16. What block offs? I've been looking at getting a set of Vortex and just integrating my front signals into the unning lights
  17. You tell me, I'm down whenever

  18. I might be down later Dave, shoot me a text when you guys think about leaving. It will take me a minute to get down there though since I'm in Dublin.
  19. Nah, that's what these types of communities are for IMO. Good luck to ya! Don't let that stuff get to you.
  20. I would say before anything is done you need to pull that code. Even if the FI light has been on because of an OEM defect there could be other gremlins hiding behind that light.
  21. One is in Florida that I know of, the others are probably long gone here in cbus. I don;t think he would be dumb enough to keep them.
  22. If anyone has either of these helmets in small LMK (I don't think it's thread jacking if I need a different size?) Bump for you!
  23. Before you run this thing into a shop I would have a few buddies over to look at it. Just look over the simple stuff with them and then you'll know how to as well. There is a way to pull the FI light if I'm not mistaken and I would suggest NGK plugs from AutoZone (yes they stock them and they aren't outrageously overpriced like at Pony)
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