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The King

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Everything posted by The King

  1. You do know that you should not shoot commercial through a Garand? Unless you are using an adjustable gas plug..or the American Eagle or Hornady that is specific to the M1.... Right?
  2. The King

    First gun

    I hear steel ammo is also hard on extractors...
  3. THIS IS AWESOME!! I just stopped in Wheeling for some 45-70 rounds...
  4. Pretty much the same thing I think about Japanese Kamikaze's...
  5. Interesting, I am in Park City right now.....looks like a bunch of hippies to me...
  6. I believe he is referring to the actual verbatim statement. The above is mostly about not establishing a Religion.....it does not specifically say that church and state must be separate....that is just how the 1st amendment is interpreted.
  7. I gotta 180hp naked bike for you.... This one only has 2400 miles on it and it sits in my storage shed.............waiting for a new owner.
  8. I realize now this guy is a clown....moving on..
  9. That Fox article is from 2007....
  10. Where does it say anything about Mitt being a polygamist? And why the "wow". Is this the first time you heard that Mormons are polygamists?
  11. Just who exactly do you call to clean that up? As small as those parts are, I have to believe it was pretty damn fast.
  12. I just sold this for $1k....and they are not even in the same zip code...
  13. Why not spend $400 less, get the XDM3.8 in .45 and spend the rest of the money on ammo?
  14. You need to join a club first... I am a member of the GCA- Garand collectors association, it's like $25 for the whole year.. Then fill out a few forms, bring your GCA card, birth cert...and hand pick out your rifle. After the first time, you don't need the paperwork.
  15. Why not just joing the CMP? The freaking North store is at Camp Perry. If you want a Garand and you live in Ohio or the surrounding States and you are not a memeber....you are missing out.
  16. I haven't heard anything? Details?
  17. "I have to be honest, I think we just blew up the Glock"
  18. Love this guy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ENZioGLjMI
  19. While still amusing, I think we have run that into the ground..
  20. The XDM 3.8 series are my favorite polymer guns. I did a 2000 round challenge with my 3.8 9mm and it had 0 malfunctions....that's 2k rounds with no cleaning. I sold it for an M&P .45 and regret it. I WILL be purchasing this .45 very soon.
  21. George Lucas can't make a movie to save his life anymore so I am sure it is going to suck...
  22. I definitely recommend PA though....this is a great sight..
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