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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. alright, i'll know in like an hour or so, i'll post up
  2. I'm thinking on coming down to Cinci from Dayton for my first bike night if I can make the time, e-flores are you leaving from Springboro?
  3. You're right on the hijack, apologies all around.... As for the schematic shown, that's a really clever idea. Self-latching the relay off of the alternator and the ign switch is a great idea. No need for anything else, that's good stuff. Did you invent this mod? it's nice....
  4. @JRMMiii I didn't originally intend to, but when I went to work for Kodak, they offered to pay for everything and my grades @ UD let me into some schools without taking GREs, so I really didn't have an excuse, so now I work during the day and take my classes at night. They said they would pay for an MBA after that if I wanted, but I think I may be burnt out by then, we'll have to see. That's a lotta damn school..... And you're totally right about not using it, and going to waste. It's hard to keep it up, which is why I ask for the occasinal analog project to try to keep it in my head. Here's a screen cap of my last analog project (one page of it at least). The values have been blanked to protect the innocent (and my job )
  5. @magley64: that is actually a decent simple approach to it, and it would work, except when you do the base Cap calculation , you find that in order to maintain proper uninterrupted voltage with the current draw of a HID system, you would need around a 2F cap! Per bulb if you have more than one. If you have room for a 2F blast cap from a car audio bass speaker system, then it will actually work just like that, and there's nothing wrong with the idea, but just waiting to charge the HID until the engine is running is a way of avoiding some decently sized power products. btw, you actually seem to have a much better grasp of EE stuff then nearly any MechE I work with, which is refreshing to see.
  6. hey alright, you too? I'm getting my MSEE in digital (VLSI) systems, but I have analog projects here and there, so I should be up to some simple signal delays.....hopefully :wink: I know there are some EE's that are complete badasses with analog, and they're getting harder to come by. JRMMiii, I'm sure if you work with others, then you know that you can't just let any ol' digital guy dick with your analog stuff, cause we're good at screweing them up
  7. jarvismb

    Ride 7/27

    FREE SEX!?!?! WHERE?? oh shit, it's just about bikes...crap. yea, I'll be there, I already told peeps that I had plans Sunday morning, so plans are set to ride.
  8. I'm an electrical engineer, I can make anything you want. Just give me some details of exactly what options you'd like to have and a wiring diagram of the signals you have to work with up there.
  9. jarvismb

    Ride 7/27

    I should be able to go if we're still doing anything.
  10. That looks like a good time, I'd come out from Dayton for that. My masters program starts up again in Sept, so any Aug dates would get my vote, if we're taking ballots here....
  11. balls, didn't see it....oh well
  12. I've never towed anything before, but I figure if I did, I would try not to take an entire bank's drive-through awning with me.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aqI60GD90g
  13. holy crap a Yakov Smirnoff reference! yes!
  14. easy guys, just pointing out the cool technology. I've driven a stick since my first car and wouldn't have it any other way, but come on, the tech that drives this stuff is amazing. And a real-time 3D cutaway vid is always cool. Maybe the engineer in me likes the moving parts too much.
  15. Maybe I should clarify my litte blurb up there. It should be read in a humerous manner. Please don't think I actualy run around talking about this like I've found some hole in the universe and it's a great revelation. I know this is not sage advice, but I think it's an interesting perspective from people that do it. I just tried to embelish the description for some entertainment. Swing and a miss I guess, sorry. Just imagine the same person that writes "OMG chk ths out yo!" and read it in the annoyingly excited voice that comes to mind....
  16. For all you tech nuts out there, hopefully you like this little clip as much as I did. And for record, German engineers are some tight-assed geniuses.... (2009 911 Carrera - the new PDK seven-speed twin-clutch gearbox)
  17. Like I said, if you guys end up doing anything this friday, let me know. Especially a mod-fest, I'd love to watch a good tear-down.
  18. Everyone had used all the good ones, the adjective bin was pretty meager. It's all I could come up with.
  19. I'm in violent agreement, but I'm 26 now and we fall within the TXT/IM generations pretty hard, and it seems like there's just no getting around it. Whether I like it or not, it's just how a decent portion of my friends choose to communicate, because that's what everyone did in college and after, so it just seems like habit by now. I get the feeling some people talk more to strangers on their video games than their friends and family. They just get TXT....
  20. I was attempting to be facetious with the whole George Clooney/one-liners thing, but I'm clearly not very good at it....
  21. Seriously, you should see the time and effort some guys I've lived with would put into making sure the response to an IM chat with a girl was just right. They never would have been able to do that in person, but since they had the time to write and edit their responses, they felt a lot better about what they were saying. You can accidentally say something stupid in a real conversation, but with texting, you have time to think of something better before you respond. Lots of people like that security blanket, hence the appeal of texting for so many people. Of course, as with everything I type here, it's all just my opinion....
  22. I think I may be a little late coming into this thing too, but I'd like to at least add a perspective on the TXT/IM thing that I had a long (drunk) discussion about in college that made a lot of sense later (when I woke up on the floor). The appeal for guys with texting is very simple - we can plan out our attack and not be on the spot. Guys and girls both see the movies with well written and wittty dialogue that has the man saying jsut the right thing at the right time with the right attitude to sweep the woman off her feet. We see this and we think, "oh, that's how it sounds". However, when we try it in person it never sounds as good as it does on TV. And why should it? No one wrote us great lines, or edited the scenes for perfect transitions, but we're disappointed anyway. There lies the appeal of texting! We get to type a response, then read over it and edit it and get it just right before we send it. Can't get it right? Call a friend into the room to help! You've got time now because you don't need to respond in real time like you would in person. Taking too long? Just say someone knocked on the door, then you have all the time in the world to fine tune your one-liners so you sound like George Clooney from all those movies girls love. See? Texting is the great trick we've all found to sound great in conversation. Even if it isn't really a conversation....
  23. jarvismb

    Ride 7/27

    As long as i don't get too shit-housed sat night, i'll be there. You guys talking about the 10:30 meet time?
  24. I'm sure I would have, if not for my small stature, which makes the whole thing a relatively substantial safety issue for me....
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