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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. but they both need a little sugar to get that honey pot going.....
  2. And boom goes the dynamite....
  3. shit, 3'x2'? that's a whole changing room for me.
  4. Also, you seem to be naming examples that are all streaming content, are you sure there isn't a bottleneck in your network access somewhere? Either extra processes taking up bandwidth, or a hardware config problem? Again, these may not be it, but I'm asking to get an idea of what you're up against.
  5. When did this start happening? If it really is Java (and not flash, as Ben rightfully inquired), then Java posted an automatic update a bit ago, and it would not be completely out of the question to believe that this update is not playing well with your video card drivers. A similar thing happened recently with Zone Alarm Pro and an automatic Windows XP update several months ago. The XP update changed some of the internet security protocols (very slightly, but enough) and made Zone Alarm shut down access to the internet when using wireless drivers. Of course, if it's not really Java, then this may be moot, but still look into if your hardware drivers have been updated recently (not likely), or if the player you're using has been updated. None of these guys really talk to each other when doing development, so these kinds of things happen a lot more frequently than we'd all like. This may not be the solution, but it's a place to look.
  6. easy princess, i'm still lurking around and stalking the thread, I just wait until the right moment to throw in something witty and/or inappropriate (just ask the Hooters waitresses). I realize this particular post lacks all of that, but they can't all be winners. Since it's winter I'm back at my gym on Thursday nights trying to add a whole 3/4 of a pound to my already bulging frame. I'm being doing Bodman fragrance commercials in no time.....
  7. Group Ride Sevendust Concert Drinking Games getting out of hand.... My only good poker face.... I am the biggest nerd in the world This is what happens when fiber optics are left unchaperoned.... Some people will recognize this as right after I decided to go off-roading to spice up the ride a bit.... Random Trike at Best Buy If anyone's familiar with UD, there's a guy named Mr. Vines that says he's a pimp that's been hanging around the campus for years. The Shocker? He loves it.
  8. I wanna post something too.....
  9. technically, you're totally right, but to get it you just need to jailbreak it and download the right program from Cydia....
  10. Android is the name of the Operating System that Google developed for the G1.
  11. I was thinking he should get some Rogaine as a present to himself after the wedding for that receding hairline, but them I realized that was the chick....
  12. I've had the 2G and 3G iphones and I wouldn't consider anything else. It's the ease of use of the OS compared to everything else that really sets it apart. I use both the app store programs and Cydia/Installer programs, and the range of things you can do with it is just incredible. The service has never been a problem, but you can tell that the 3G with 2.1+ firmware is an improvement over the previous versions. The processor they use and the fundamental coding scheme is just far more efficient than anything else as of right now (I refer you to the whole Intel fiasco when an underling said the Intel Atom was better than the ARM processor and Intel had to tell him to shut his mouth and openly apologized for him). I have no doubt that Android will be a hell of a competitor for it, but T-Mobile is not a real beacon of confidence for a lot of people in terms of service. I've never had a problem with AT&T, but I've been a customer since they were Cingular, and AT&T only made them better (they weren't the best back then). I'd recommend the iphone to anyone, anytime. And as for the new Blackberry, read up on it. It has an omnipresent button lag no matter where you are in a program, and the menu structure is still based on a system that RIM developed ages ago back when they had nav wheel thing and then the click wheel. I've read that the menus, the way are set up, are actually easier to control back when you had the wheel than by touching through them. The whole click screen is cool and all, but I've just heard that the lag makes it really frustrating to use at times.
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