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Everything posted by DLN1223

  1. I see it in the diagram. Thanks man! Also for that parts link, its in the favorites now
  2. This is the bolt I need.
  3. This is not in the dash. It's down near the front sprocket.
  4. The Speedometer sensor on my bike is missing the bolt/screw that holds it in place. Anyone happen to know the correct replacement bolt/screw? 07 gsxr 750
  5. i was being a tease but its x or y cant rememberr now... or wyx
  6. I always thought it looked cool in all the videos but never thought I would ever do it. I've never clinched my ass so hard. I really didn't think that much about it or atleast I dont remember, until I was on the ground. I had a good trimble to my hands for a lil while afterwards. As far as fighting him, I thought about it. Would have been a good test to the CF Knuckles on the gloves, but All the cops I saw on the highway.....except that section. And my desire to stay jail free..........
  7. Gray Suzuki XL7 Ky Tags 697 WV*
  8. I almost did today. Got a call the gf was in an accident. Lady in an F150 rearended her fusion on Beechmont Ave. Long story short some A$$ hole in a gray suzuki suv was riding my ass in the high speed lane, I moved over he followed, I moved over again to high speed hit my brakes so he could pass. He slowed down then took off. He got in the high speed lane and continued on. I was in the middle lane back up to speed, he swerved in front of me and locked all 4 wheels and did a nose dive. I saw this coming and hit both brakes, and wasnt slowing nearly enough. So I made the decision I was wiping out and hit the front for what it was worth hoping I'd atleast hit him slower. Anyways did my first 45 degree angle stoppie in the middle of I275. Dropped it back down without incident and no problems. This happened between 32 and beechmont. Last thing I did was memorized his plates. :mad::mad:
  9. I have a good friend doing border patrol now. He's down in del rio texas area... making near 6 figures with the OT before that he was corrections with hamilton county good thing he left when he did, all the layoffs suck if you dont get that you could try for dallas pd. they're hiring 400 this year. 42k to start, 10k hiring bonus, 6k towards purchase of a house.
  10. I'm getting IPitus........ I miss the lil one...... Bonus pay out is 04/07/09
  11. With the nice waxed tiles, hmmmmmm. I have video of Colerain PD crashing on their bicycles in the mall. LOL
  12. http://www.wcpo.com/news/local/story/Fatal-Accident-Causing-Major-Problems-Downtown/Kz0IZAkDd0OfQwnZWfVfmA.cspx I think it's too early to effect anyone coming back from that ride by any means but you never know.
  13. I pulled my first teej today..... I went down the back straight by my house and turned the throttle a lil too much and brought the front end up. but less throttle next time....
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z40YBU4GEXs lol
  15. too bad i dont have the cobra still.......
  16. I got new toys and havent had time to put them on or ride the bike. Weather sucks too. But hey My bonus pay out will be here 04/07/09 I <3 me some bonus!
  17. Hey whats the website you recommended for the speedohealer? I still gotta order that one.
  18. No but I'm about to fire Cingular / AT&T as my cell provider
  19. LOL Nice one Matt I just saw the tag......
  20. Are you sure its "Q" and not "O"
  21. if i had the cash id buy it in a flash
  22. So you like black cars............ http://www.autoblog.com/2009/03/25/california-to-reduce-carbon-emissions-by-banning-black-cars/
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