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Everything posted by DLN1223

  1. In all reality is that true, or just goof comment?
  2. I just took a dump, that had to increase my ride some too..... Or atleast make up for the stickers I removed.....
  3. a 6 year old is in charge of waking up and going to school on his own? Do the parents have him do their taxes too?
  4. I'm meeting Matt at 4pm at his place.
  5. You're coming down to Cincinnati?
  6. DLN1223


    YEa I screamed out in the middle of the last superman movie. lady had 3 kids all talking and giglling and texting. 20 minutes into the movie i got up and yelled "OMG Fing God are You fing kidding me, control your damn kids or get out" I received an applause from the audience followed by the party in question making a b line to the door. this was the showcase on reading, thats now closed.
  7. DLN1223

    March 7 ride

    it was right after st. johns, after passing the slow poke
  8. DLN1223

    March 7 ride

    I dont know about sand but i know Matt nailed me with a boulder ok rock in the head . It hit pretty hard thought it cracked my visor, but it hit the top of the helmet instead
  9. DLN1223

    March 7 ride

    sounds good man, lean,lean, lean. but im still faster.....
  10. DLN1223

    March 7 ride

    You coming out Monday?
  11. DLN1223

    March 7 ride

    I rode for 2 hours, and thinking of leaving work early to ride some more
  12. So what are they going to magically regrow their balls to perform the lynching? Or are they just going to go with the windmill attack?
  13. Yea I've been trying to get at him for several months now about that one. I think even before our server crash
  14. Im open from 10am til.....????
  15. I just spit my milk out from laughing, thanks!
  16. lol i was around 250 lbs on my 08 250....I could do over 100.....barely. 750 feels better....and i'm down to 240 woohoo
  17. DLN1223

    March 7 ride

    What time are you riding tomorrow? I might be able to ride part of the day depends when you start.
  18. I'm off and free depending on weather I'm going out riding, not really sure where but if anyone wants to go....
  19. So whats going on with your green lawn ornament? Hmm you'll actually go out and ride.....
  20. DLN1223

    March 7 ride

    I'm working the evening shift that day
  21. He was about a month ago. The dead post was re-surrected back to life.
  22. Talking on the cell while driving is bad enough, but............ http://www.daytondailynews.com/n/content/oh/story/news/local/2009/02/27/ddn022709breastfeedweb.html?cxtype=rss&cxsvc=7&cxcat=16
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