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Everything posted by DLN1223

  1. well you did promote kawi kid to mod ......................
  2. I dont know about ohio, but it's happened....... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/06/23/world/main4201627.shtml
  3. lol so didn't look for another post..... ahh well I just popped my re-post cherry.. wasn't that painful........
  4. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29971638/?GT1=43001 Can somone change stoll to the proper spelling
  5. whats so great about the 1198? it has less power and...
  6. Yet in time the problem will correct itself as there will be less and less free loaders. Sure there's going to be a lot of ashes going out for a bit, but soon being without a job won't look as good.
  7. Voltron > Power Rangers or anything today. I was pretty big into the MASK toys too. I used to have wars between my Voltron Base, and my He-Man Castle. Nevermind the huge laser turrents on Voltron, He-man had a stone jaw for a door.
  8. ahem excuse ahem me http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=23218 Not a full blown grroup ride, but it was a ride. I view dayton more then c-bus cause of the distance so that was in the back of my head. When are you bringing that 14 back down this way?
  9. That would look good in my garage.... Bump
  10. +1 You're agent could have backdated the policy start time, but again that depends on the date it actually expired. if its a couple days.......or a month.
  11. I think thats from the dayton ride, or atleast up north there's other pics posted on the board.
  12. I miss my cobra....... 03 Cobra > Dad's 00 L
  13. http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/mcy/1079114239.html
  14. my dad lives on the 10/22 route, its a fun road:cheers:
  15. I <3 brown county fair...... I go that way a lot, ol ladies family is in ripley
  16. welcome, part of loveland? I used to live off fallis on River Oaks. Across from the high school
  17. Good luck man, it's COLD outside....
  18. :boxing:You have a case of the small feets
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