Yet in time the problem will correct itself as there will be less and less free loaders. Sure there's going to be a lot of ashes going out for a bit, but soon being without a job won't look as good.
Voltron > Power Rangers or anything today. I was pretty big into the MASK toys too. I used to have wars between my Voltron Base, and my He-Man Castle. Nevermind the huge laser turrents on Voltron, He-man had a stone jaw for a door.
ahem excuse ahem me Not a full blown grroup ride, but it was a ride. I view dayton more then c-bus cause of the distance so that was in the back of my head. When are you bringing that 14 back down this way?
+1 You're agent could have backdated the policy start time, but again that depends on the date it actually expired. if its a couple days.......or a month.