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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. :) yeah that is pretty generic, i've seen their signs around. Haven't heard anything about em though. Good luck!! Its always such a pain trying to find a good place near campus....
  2. lol, good call. what company you going with? I hear North Stepp is pretty bad too. And there's a dude that is a lawyer that runs properties that is bad too.... would remember if i heard his name.

  3. fyi, she also goes by the last name of wilson, just in case...

  4. elaine gill.... :lol: it's just one person... I think she does have like 4 rental properties though....

  5. I think this 'the building caught on fire and we broke our shredder' convo is the best one i've read... :lol:

  6. For the record, he was not asking how he could live like a rockstar. You were the one implying that he had all those extra things such as cable etc. He did nothing different than anyone else in the job board does, and asked if anyone knew where he could find a job. You did your typical, find someone and attack them. I still don't get it... someone please explain to me why people make posts saying how much they dislike the board... if you don't like it, leave!... or at least offer something positive and constructive to make it better. it's really easy. Nobody is forcing you to be here and endure this terrible place .
  7. pooossssibly :) I do need to eat sometime, right?

  8. I'm supposed to be outta town that day, but if something happens and i'm in town, I will try to make it out. Hope there's a great turnout!
  9. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=60667&highlight=coffee+spill dammit people!!!
  10. This thread being "cleaned up" does not affect you. Why are you so offended? One less thread you get to be a dick to someone in? I think the ground rules are pretty clear to anyone with a conscience. If you don't get them, maybe you should stop posting. +1 for Art.
  11. sometimes... last week it was the bees, now the trees....
  12. I returned home after the storm we had a day or two ago and found the tree next door fell apart and almost hit my baby but it didn't!
  13. OsuMj


    From the album: Misc.

  14. OsuMj


    From the album: Misc.

  15. yes they are! My friends were wearing those same shorts when we were in 6th grade!!!
  16. he's 18 or something i think.
  17. OsuMj


    that's scary
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