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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. mmmmm.... ginger.... I could go for some ginger.

  2. i forgot what we're talking about.

    on a side topic... i hate mayonaise.... seriously.

  3. you make me sad. :'(

  4. hey bubba, come pick me up and take me to the bar. I'll make it worth it to ya ;)


  5. :eek: I was joking.... buuuuut :lol:
  6. I should start the "osumj is a girl" banner contest. lol

  7. damn! You're all over that shit! :D

  8. I'm feeling let down that you wont make a promise.


  9. awww... that's cute. no promises....

  10. I like to dream big...

  11. what about your duties as a man?

  12. yes. that makes perfect sense. :-P

  13. wanna entertain me during this class?

  14. awww... you're such a nice guy helpin that guy out who no does speak very well.

  15. haha.... awww. you need to start postin kiddo... you have 2 friends. buuut, on a side note, you probably have the highest % of girls as your friends... 100% :trophy:

  16. hello! you should consider an Intro thread before people get all riled up... :D

  17. sooo... I think you should take it easy on the new kid... if i'm not mistaken nobody liked you when you first got here either... he could be like your little brother - you could mentor him into not being a dbag. :lol:

  18. hrm, unfortunately it was a good show on thursday.... but hopefully you can come out with us some other time! You should let me know next time you're free and I can get somethin together with everyone!

  19. ah, nice. I grew up near there. My address was in Norwalk for a few years.

  20. maybe we already talked about this... buuuut... your dad has a garage in norwalk?

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