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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. idk if i said this before, but the girl in your avatar looks exactly like a girl i went to high school with....

  2. its weird... i still hate you...

  3. bc its not your pic, its a pic OF you.... the one with your eyes shut.

  4. Attention all who visit my page.... I'm not pregnant...

  5. on your mom's ass... yes OR... goof :)

  6. i commented on a photo of you... :D

  7. OsuMj

    awww, kiddo, i think you're getting ignored... sad face. (and a little lol... just a little one)

  8. awww, maybe i'll put it back :)

  9. mmmmk, but I think you're missin out :) the box said not to use a round baking dish, and I'm just such a rebel that i said "F U Box, I'll use a round dish if i wanna" so yeah...

  10. lol... ok, maybe not yawn, but more than half the people in there were falling asleep. I was only awake bc I can multitask - got a matlab file set up to take on data points from a different group, read through OR stuff, and learned about engines all at once :) sorry about you having to yell at an old man... :( I was thinking about pedaling back to my house and making chicken helper for lunch if you want some... :lol:

  11. terrible!

    I grabbed a coffee before class... i'm learning about internal combustion engines... *yawn*

  12. I would totally be in, but i have a project due at midnight that night - and if for some reason i manage to get it done early, my mom was gonna try to visit me... soooo.... :(

  13. if we all chip in it won't be that expensive.... *sigh* I think this is why we're friends.... you seem to be some sort of comedian.

  14. *sigh* I missed the drama again... what am i going to do with my sad boring life if i keep missing the drama!

    I hurt my ankle today... :(

  15. nah, i'm goin camping this weekend! you goin?

  16. OMG Happy Birthday!!! :)

  17. welll, i was thinking about having a party the weekend of the 6th.... maybe you could visit for that! :)

  18. It was a lot of fun! Fun until I got home and couldn't figure out how to get outta my costume.... :D

  19. thanks for saving my apt from burning down :) I owe your nose one.

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