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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. no comments yet... i think i'm gonna win this one...

  2. part of the reason this week is looking bad is my weekend. I usually work a bit on the weekends, but this weekend I'm going to the purdue OSU game in illinois... They have this breakfast club thing where they get dressed in halloween costumes and go drinking at 7am before the game.... should be fun... +today is my mom's bday, 2 hw assignments, and I have a shit ton of lab stuff to get done...!!!! ahh. :D whatabout you?

  3. awww, hopefully soon... this week is looking really bad though... :(

  4. you are baby.

    what does that mean?!

  5. meh, its getting there. I noticed today that she removed the cooking racks in the stove, so I can't use the oven.... and my furnace is broken, so no heat.... buuuut other than that, not bad :)

  6. OsuMj

    oh jebus, another hawt pic... :lol:

  7. :lol: have I ever touched you??
  8. I was going to (+) rep you and leave this comment: you're so classy!


  9. .... ? so i might break it...

  10. :p I didn't even sell the ones i had last week... besides, I had like 3 people from OR say they wanted tickets, so I told them i'd put them in a thread.
  11. meow... hmmm :) howdy.

  12. man, you start ORing at 7am too... nice. :nono:

  13. its waaaay to early to be that cheery.

  14. lets get lunch this week & brainstorm my halloween costume :)

  15. OsuMj

    and when i said i might take you up on that, I didn't mean this part :sex: .. I meant the mac n cheese part ... :D

  16. nice picture comment.... :lol: thanks :)

  17. nah, I came to work today, so I have my car... thank you though!! :)

  18. oh shit, its hit the interwebz!!! lol. so you coming to lunch?

  19. yeah, its a compliment... you're always in interesting photos!!! :)

  20. thanks! I'll let ya know :)

  21. its a new defense mechanism.

  22. You're a funny kid!! :D

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