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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. oh, so i'm a linebacker now.... great.
  2. you've been quiet today :)

  3. oh, hon, you didn't even have to say it, we all knew you were thinkin it.
  4. ouch, are you implying i have a boyish body?
  5. lol... you guys should start a social group for boyish bodies
  6. yep, i'll add ya. Any other OSU people able to pick up tickets? I should be able to have 16-20 by then
  7. J. Medicine Hat at Funny Bone in Easton at 7:30pm. Tickets are $15.00 but hopefully we can get enough passes (from OSU) for everyone that it will be FREE!!... Please let me know if you plan on making it - I have to give them my credit card to make a reservation... I will call tomorrow morning to make the reservation and add people if needed. If you want to come, then end up needing to cancel, you have to let me know the day before so that I have time to call them and get the reservation right or they'll charge me for it. rick37 (2) yota (1) mj (1) dgtl (2) ninjascott (2) r6allstar(2) rc51john (1) pratt (2) Zach (1) shitty (4) _________ total (18)
  8. We can go thursday nov 12, j medicine hat, our passes work. I'll make a new thread to see who all can go and make a reservation tomorrow morning.
  9. ^ true story. 2 tickets each good for 2 people. $6.00 for the set
  10. its listed as a special engagement, but its not in red... so idk. I'll call them today and see if it is or not. If its not, I'll put up a new thread with detailz
  11. lol, that does have strikingly similar features to ross.... weird
  12. ^mmmmk, all of that didn't happen ... medicine hat sounds fun. I've seen a comedy hypnotist before and thought it was a riot. It would be even funnier if OR people ended up on the stage
  13. I took back the old part!!! *hugs* for you too...
  14. oh, i dont really care who we see...I dont know who most of the people are. If you say Mr. Hat is funny, then sure... they serve delicious white russians there, so i'll have a good time either way
  15. woahs, what happened to this thread.
  16. weird fetish? I've already got a costume... i'm offering up my pirate gear for the night.
  17. yeah... the buck fiddy ones... sweet....
  18. hrm, tickets say "General Admission" "not valid for special engagements"
  19. anyone else need a costume... i have pirate gear.
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