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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. OK, I have 6 maybes lol... I'll call mad mex in the morning and tell them to set up a table for maybe 6 people ... anyone else?
  2. I dont mind if a few people crash at my place. heat works again, so you should be comfy, and we could team cab back to the apt so it would be like $5 a piece or less...
  3. actually, my upstairs neighbor's gas valve is off, for good reason, there's apparently something else wrong with their furnace. Mine was a wiring issue with the new thermostat they installed - which is why nothing was happening when i turned the heat way up...
  4. hrm, that might look suspicious if most of my stuff is removed before the fire.... lol.
  5. OsuMj


    i like that... sending to michigan fan friends right now
  6. hey... thanks! I'll check it out. OH, and I just got my heat turned back on!! so thanks for the offers of help looks like I wont need them this time. Honestly though, I know that everyone is saying just leave, the issue is that you can't just leave... you have to issue documentation stating that you are giving the landlord until a specified date to do repairs (date depends on the urgency of the repair), before you break your lease. If they do repairs before said date, you can't leave. I already spoke to a lawyer about it - I'm not being naive about the situation, I really am looking at my options. If I just leave, or think I can leave without doing everything right, I could end up owing her rent every month even when I dont live here.
  7. OH, I have been, trust me. I call every number that I see posted outside to check it out.
  8. I might have heat tonight! I'll let ya know. I really appreciate it
  9. just tired of doing hw... taking a break... still in work mode while on break.... yeah.
  10. OH... and if anyone has a few extra electric heaters that I could borrow for a smidge... that would be sweet.... This totally sucks bc i'm reluctant to move bc this apartment rocks, i'm literally a 1 minute walk to my job, and there is no way in heck that I have time to repack all my stuff then unpack it even if I am lucky enough to find a place that I like that is in my budget that doesn't have a crazy landlord... i mean sure, i might be able to break the lease now, but where am i going to go? I moved here bc I didn't have time for the commute.... now i'm just screwed.... i'm so frustrated.
  11. she doesnt' have the internet at her house...
  12. so who here knows a lot of stuff about furnaces and wants to tell me why mine (and my upstairs neighbor's) isnt working?? Srsly, this is getting super old fast. My heat hasn't been working correctly for about a week at least and my landlord is too cheap (or dumb) to hire a real furnace technician.
  13. knuckle sandwich. these are good jokes...
  14. lol. ^ I'm learning shortened internet expressions too!!!!
  15. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=20412&highlight=emotional+woman hrmmm.... but men are smarter than women, so you already knew that. JK
  16. I'm iffy... I'm leaving for illinois on friday right after work, but I may be able to stop by just long enough to eat & run... depends on work unfortunately...
  17. As long as there is decent vodka there, I will be a happy camper.
  18. its like a turtle stuck on its back... ridiculous
  19. seems like she's got a great opportunity Bummer about you two having to be apart for so long... good luck with everything
  20. i didn't think this was a motorcycle vid... ... at first... but I know what you mean about feeling violated. I was in spain at a beach and there was a creeper there with a video camera very obviously filming the women on the beach... don't want to be someone's spank bank material later:rolleyes:. lol.
  21. omg, i need slleeeeeepp. srsly. 2 hrs last night... bleh. Huge head made me not sleep, i missed it the first time around.

  22. this thread made me stay awake during class... thank goodness for big heads.
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