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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. idk what garage bar you go to sir, but there is a $3 lot like 1/2 block from there.
  2. *thumbs up* i like it... its waaay closer to my home than bwr... pluuus, bwr made me and my co-workers sick once, so I've always been a little hesitant about eating there...
  3. we could order from BW3 and take them to KofC?
  4. read that? "in person" . know what that means shitty?? you suck online.
  5. maybe we could do that next week or the following week to get the cheap burgers... ??
  6. ^someone edit that before rumors get started. jk
  7. thanks! I'll let ya know :)

  8. yeah and weird people. conversation from a guy on a phone that I was sitting next to on the bus one time "I can't believe she's claiming domestic violence. I didn't hit her, I just shoved her. Its not my fault she fell." I like to avoid the bus. Besides that, I think mad mex might be the best as far as parking and whatnot. There is a parking garage that is $1 for the first two hours I think.
  9. OsuMj

    850 miles

    nice! I'd like to go for a nice leisurely site seeing adventure...
  10. mmm... yeah, i mentioned tommy's, cazuela's, or mad mex bc those are close enough to me that I can pedal to them... buuut, if everyone would prefer somewhere else I could take a bus, or find a ride probably(?)
  11. hrm... I get stuck on campus bc I dont drive here. I was trying to keep it within a distance I could ride my bicycle to. Or, if it is nice I could ride the motorcycle to campus then go... but if its raining probably wont happen...
  12. Cazuelas is north of campus on high street, mad mex is in south campus gateway...
  13. we did do this closer to you on sunday- but better, there was a ride attached!!! come to columbus!!! (i just sounded like the columbus version of parks!)
  14. This sounds like a nice ride and I wanted to go, but I've got too much work/homework/other stuff that needs to be tended to to spend 6 hours on commute :-/ Hope you guys have fun.
  15. I dont remember getting scared on the way home (with the exception of what I think may be the biggest bug I've ever seen smacking me in the face sheild - damn thing almost took me off my bike )
  16. +1 but with kawi too... wtf kid, I have't gotten to ride with ya yet!
  17. what's the world coming to???
  18. Anyone wanna get lunch on Friday (10/2) around noon. *edit* Lunch at Tommy's on West Lane. http://arlington.tommyspizza.com/
  19. OsuMj

    Man. Yota.

    this photo makes ben look like a giant. (see what i did there yota? you're not the freak in the photo anymore)
  20. i didn't notice any inappropriate passing...
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