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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. WOAH, my friend has this as a screen saver on their TV... creeps me out.
  2. apendix, what part of cbus are you? maybe you could find a group to ride to hooters with and meet everyone?
  3. :( I wanted to come. Hope you guys had fun.
  4. OsuMj


    what does that mean???
  5. OsuMj


    not lookin good.
  6. OsuMj


    what? I'm not making fun of your friends... the movement is making me sea sick.
  7. OsuMj


    yeah, my answer sounded snotty... it was more hesitation in the answer than attitude. I explained to her what she was supposed to do and kinda watched her from the side of the yard... yelled, "give it some gas!" and "pull in the clutch" stuff like that... it's ok to laugh if the person isn't permanently or REALLY hurt... i mean, my sister did a tuck and roll, what's not to laugh about??
  8. OsuMj


    if you change your avatar. jk, for what?
  9. OsuMj


    uh... yeah... i am. my mom did snap a few photos, its kinda funny... maybe i'll post a few later.
  10. Cleave, and last saturday. Cleave is AMAZING and delivered it to cbus for me! wooot. I still haven't ridden it yet though!! had some issues with tags, and finals week, blah blah blah. I have a paper that is due at 4, then I will ride!

  11. OsuMj


    ^ i'm not really sure what that is...
  12. OsuMj


    YES! I think maybe the best part is that her bf went running over and she reassured him while he was on his way over, that she was fine, and he answers "I'm not worried about you, don't want the bike to blow up" all down hill from there...
  13. OsuMj


    I let my sister ride in the yard last weekend. She had her first 'accident'. It was hilarious. She forgot which way 3rd gear was and ended up throwing it into neutral and dumping the bike mid turn. She did a tuck and roll and popped up with two thumps up and yelled "I'm OK!!" in the most cheery voice she could muster.
  14. OsuMj


    OH, and i'm definitely riding tomorrow... riiight after work.
  15. OsuMj


    i was wondering that too... eh, but whatev my kawi is a loaner bike now. I have a few friends that ride but dont have bikes. my sister wants to learn too.
  16. OsuMj


    god doesn't want me to ride it. ... idk??? I don't even care, as long as I get to ride it. Maybe I'll find a parking garage to ride around in. I have 5 hours, then this paper is done, then I'm riding, rain or not... i think. depends if there's lightning...
  17. The difference is that someone whose physical strength can act as a weapon has a greater responsibility to make sure their actions aren't interpreted as threatening. Regardless of that ladies age, she was like half the size and from what was shown in the video didn't appear to actually be physically threatening to that officer. It looks like she resisted him grabbing her arm. A GOOD police officer would be able to make the right decision in that instance.
  18. yeah... i don't think he shoulda tazed a 16 year old football player in that instance either. Aren't police officers trained to handle situations without that kind of force??? But, YES, you should change the way you act for people of different size. Are you saying that if a 7 year old is throwing a tantrum and threatening to hit a police officer, they should be tazed??? Remind me never to allow my (future) children around you if you're an officer.
  19. I know I'm pullin a dave here, but i think that statement deserves a trophy.
  20. I think the problem that a LOT of people have is that they become emotionally attached enough that they can't decide what is best for themselves, i.e. letting go of someone who isn't going to treat you right for whatever reason. In the end, it comes down to what you both want, and if the other person is giving lines, then you probably shouldn't want to be with them, even though that's not the easiest thing to do.
  21. sorta... hahaha. I wandered the halls of a nursing home where my mom worked sometimes, then did some volunteering there when i was a little older. I learned half of the swear words that I know today from this innocent looking old lady in the hall... I learned them from the other end of the hall too!
  22. maybe the guy is just a big pansy and didn't want to break a nail or something? idk, i mean old people are scary sometimes. have you guys ever been to a nursing home?? shiiit! srsly.
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