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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. nice one!! aww, nitronick...
  2. When I saw the title, I thought the same thing... you kids with your double standards Good luck though! If you haven't already, practice in a parking lot (where you don't have some many curbs )!!!
  3. hopefully i'll be riding a newer bike to next week's event... ??? Yay! Anyway, I had fun kids... always fun with the OR group
  4. ah! I totally missed this message :( next time??

  5. sweet! I almost feel like tax payers should reimburse you for that lo-jack money since it did a better job catching the criminal than most people whose jobs are to do so...
  6. OsuMj

    @that dude

    I don't know who you're talking about.
  7. waiiitt, were you the one that waived to me? bc if you were, there was a look of confusion underneath the helmet... I woulda waved back but i was trying to accelerate
  8. wow! you rock. that's pretty sweet.
  9. yeah, if by some crazy happening, my bike was able to pop a wheelie, I wouldn't have a clue what to do... I'm sure it would end in disaster. maybe i could watch the yut ugh guy and learn.
  10. OsuMj

    @that dude

    if the quesadillas are calling you, you may want to consider professional help...
  11. OsuMj

    @that dude

    this thread got weird... but I am gonna say, when I signed up, I remember at least one person with a hot chick as an avatar...
  12. OsuMj

    @that dude

    ^ u <3 C==3 sorry, i sent that to one of my friends about a week ago and I've just been dying to use it somewhere...
  13. hmm, no kidding... nice catch...
  14. I don't even have it yet and you're trying to change it!!!
  15. here's an update: I'm waiting for my stupid bank to say "here's your money mam" should be tomorrow!
  16. I like the acceleration method. ... pop a wheelie, even if you're a noob... then you don't have to worry about the front end at all! *sarcasm* obviously there's a lot more to it than you have to brake or accelerate... I might investigate next week, sounds like a fun project.
  17. Yes! That's funny. Saturday I left coshocton and drove to atwood, then I came back to columbus the next day in the evening. where did you see me?
  18. I + repped you for being gay... I like that elf.
  19. you wouldn't take care of me?? bummer... guess u guys will have to keep waiting for me while I recover pieces of my bike from the road.
  20. I'd ride around with ross... I think he'd take care of me! I'm trying to buy cleave's bike!!
  21. OsuMj

    @that dude

    I understood yours... I was like what are pelotas... ballls.... you have small balls... yeah that's what he was going for. nice.
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