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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I think what V4 means is "I'm glad everything turned out OK and that nothing bad happened" ... no, nevermind...
  2. ha! you're quick!!!
  3. Justin, my grandma sent this to me in an email like a month ago...
  4. OK, it's a reallly reallly flat titty. I think someone had to spell it out... Oh, and urban dictionary wants to help you guys out too: 1. pancake titties 61 up, 12 down Her tits look like 2 flaps of skin hanging off the body, with no density. When she bends over, they look flat, like a pancake, when seen from the side view. That stripper bent over to pick up the dollar; she had the nastiest pancake titties I have ever seen!
  5. ... I don't know what that but is all about!
  6. OsuMj

    Now Hiring

    only in your dreams kid... only in your dreams (long drawn out voice possibly one which exerts a tone of reason and wonder at the same time)...
  7. What kind of float are we having?? When are you decorating!?? I wanna help.
  8. OsuMj

    Now Hiring

    my friend Carolina is applying as we speak... she was telling me that being laid off is driving her crazy and she would do just about anything to get out of the apartment... at which point my other friend said "you could be a daytime stripper"... I laughed. Anyway, good post.
  9. I think I'll be there. Finals week is done on thursday!!!! yays!
  10. hey now... I'm still in school! workin hard here!! ... yeah yeah

  11. I made it to the party, not the ride though
  12. the car isn't in my name... motorcycles are the first and only vehicles I have ever owned...

  13. I wish I coulda made it too... looks like a blast.
  14. more like, i'm inexperienced at owning things that need to be registered on a yearly basis.... yah

  15. I wouldn't know. I'm too retarded to make myself legal to ride anything :nono:

  16. that just reminded me of a parade i was in. We had this fantastic idea to hook up big ass speakers to my ford probe and it kept draining the battery even while it was running. The car kept stalling if we didn't keep revving it... ah memories.
  17. damn... if you were in cbus, i'd be all over that... good luck
  18. it looks that way... I think the flash stunned them
  19. bump for the newbies
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