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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. yikes... I couldn't even stay on my mountain bike going down hill.
  2. OsuMj

    New lids..

    I like white bikes too. Those helmets are snazzy... at least these don't smell like ass, right?
  3. woah, world's longest video... but he's got a point...
  4. I think this video may give me nightmares... I'm slightly creeped out by the way people have to walk when wearing leathers.
  5. They should make taking the test on your own part of getting your drivers license!! Last two times I've been to the DMV people were cheating on their drivers tests while the test admin made idle threats to kick them out. They were asking each other easy shit like what signs meant... no wonder we have so many idiot drivers.
  6. Those photos are great. Looks like it was fun...
  7. Well, my aim isn't that good, I'm pretty sure we would both have to be stopped...
  8. Uh... I haven't gotten that far yet.
  9. It said something about a construction business.
  10. I spent a while plotting how to deal with people who drive like idots. I was thinking water balloons. Half the people I come up against on the road are just idiots who shouldn't have thier license, not necessarily someone who is purposely trying to be an asshole. But, the other half are just assholes.
  11. I got a little sick just hearing you describe the popping sound. That sucks. Hope its a quick healer.
  12. ha, it looks like you guys had fun molesting those statues.
  13. Ok, so this is gross, and I can't even believe I'm admitting this. One of the first few times I hung out with Eric, we were at a bar with a few of my friends. I had 3 drinks, not that much, right? Well, Eric offered to drive me home, in his new Honda Fit (stickshift), and I accepted. Unfortunately I'm one of those people who get car sick in manual vehicles... well, I think you know the rest of the story. Luckily, he didn't notice me throwing up out of the window somehow, some of his family owns a carwash, and the car got totaled like a month later... I guess it worked out. Yuck.
  14. I'm sure the Victoria's Secret sales people have seen real creeps in there, and most guys don't have anything to worry about. But hell, if you hate it, then you might as well have some fun with it.
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