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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. So, they were on the 2nd floor.... did they take the stairs, the escalator, or the elevator down?
  2. That's pretty interesting... only the ladies look comfortable.
  3. They have a 14% unemployment rate and a $60billion (although, what's another 60 billion, when you already have trillion dollar deficits) deficit that we would inherit. I'm not against it, but I think it may be an extra strain on the budget.
  4. I was pretty indifferent to who won - they both have ideas that i like/dislike. I am disappointed that we're going to have to choose between the same 2 parties at the next election. I am genuinely confused about why 3rd parties don't get more votes. Is it the 'wasting my vote' mentality? Is it because people don't know what the 3rd parties stand for? Is it because they don't spend enough money???
  5. Well, I can say I was mostly indifferent to who actually won president, but I'm sad that we have to look at 2016 with the same two political views as the past. I hope at some point we can break up the 2 party system so that we can actually have a choice rather than the lesser of 2 evils.
  6. Here, let me help - "General population, please grasp the physics of traction." hmmm, seems too much, let me try again - "General population, please learn how to drive better." hmmm, still alot of people on the road that can't drive very well "General population, please slow down? " maybe.
  7. I saw that too, I was hoping that wasn't remnants of a person... maybe transmission fluid.
  8. You seem to be attracted to the crazy ladies.
  9. nice. I had rider envy when I saw all the bikes at work today - in the middle of the day after it warmed up a bit. Your bike is pretty snazzy.
  10. Just a bunch of car accidents with some sweet music I was cringing through the whole vid.
  11. Well, here we go: Election Results! Looks like Mitts leading right now - I'm gonna watch the horses run all night I think...
  12. This is on my list of best costumes.
  13. Isn't there a road on Kelley's island that has low flying aircraft? I think I remember seeing a sign that says to watch out or something... maybe even yield to them.
  14. the dude in the wally world candy bin is my hero, my OCDs kick in when I walk past a bin like that.
  15. >5% for Gary Johnson - That's why you should 'compromise'. I was on the fence about this too, because I know that I would rather vote for Paul, but it seems that since Johnson is on the ballot, he's more likely to acquire 5%
  16. I'm just teasing you guys. I mean, if you're bleeding so bad that you need to shove a tampon in the wound, then I would applaud you for being prepared.
  17. You guys can carry your emergency tampons around in your M(anP)urse.
  18. Interesting. That made me chuckle, I pictured you balling your fist and saying "I'm going to punch you in the nose." You were wearing a scarf. Hopefully we find someone that she likes that will take her, or she gets better and can actually enjoy herself around howie. I'd like to be able to take her hiking with us, but that's going to be really hard if she is scared of him.
  19. now this guy, I threatened to adopt him out and he's still misbehaving. I can train a dog, any suggestions on how to train a howie?
  20. Yeah. He can pet her, and she seems like she wants him to play with her in the yard, but when he tries, she runs away. I'm still doing all of her care, like letting her out and feeding her and stuff. Luckily, I haven't had to travel lately, so we're fattening her up too. I can't count her ribs from looking at her anymore, so that's good. I'm gonna weigh her tonight. Hoping for 80lbs! We've been trying the "all the good stuff comes from howie" method - so he gives her treats and pets her and gives her good attention. Then since she trust me, I'm the only one that tells her no. She's responding better than before, but she still watches him all the time :-/
  21. OsuMj

    100 2825

    FUN!!! I want more, but someplace better.
  22. I wanna shop at that grocery store. I'll be buying items from the deli and fruit department.
  23. nope, she's still here. I'm teaching her to speak and beg now. I'm thinking army crawl is next.
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