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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. We set the record last night too... around 11pm ish. Yay winter.
  2. You must not fall in the 'intelligent' category either.... the triangle didn't say it just applied to women.
  3. or pick 1. I've seen people with just one.
  4. When this thread first got going, I was shocked because nobody looked like how I pictured them.
  5. I think its funny when people who don't live in texas sign it. 47.5K at 10:04
  6. OsuMj

    first gun

    a different grip might help you too... of course practice always helps, but I think the better idea is to always try the gun out that you want to buy first. I try to try a different gun every time at the range.
  7. OsuMj


    mine looks like a bull with boobs. http://new.weavesilk.com/?azdg
  8. you're not the first here to request almost naked pics of howie (*cough* JRMMMMIII)... sadly, I'm unable to help you out with this. I'm in florida. Here's a picture of what i would look like if i were a monkey instead. You may have already seen this.
  9. people watching. You guys are missing out big time. Its sooo entertaining and its free!!
  10. bump because its been a while.
  11. I mean, its just a rando making the petition, isn't it? It's not like it was the choice of the state government. I'm surprised there aren't more states.
  12. wow, almost half way to having the admin consider it: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/peacefully-grant-state-texas-withdraw-united-states-america-and-create-its-own-new-government/BmdWCP8B
  13. OsuMj


    well, I'm gonna gravedig here. I've still got ~10 left, they are full size angelfish and the fish stores usually sell them for $15-$30. If anyone is considering angelfish any time soon, let me know, they are still free. Good christmas presents for kids! maybe.
  14. nice car, I've been looking at getting a new ford lately too (mine is 12 years old with 211k). well, since you're a ford tech, what do you think about the new C-Max? Its a little too minivan for me, but I like where ford is going with it.
  15. Open minds again - Some may consider another plant addictive: http://www.rps.psu.edu/probing/sugar.html Should it be banned? It increases your chances of diabetes, obesity, and other diseases, right? That's more than we know about weed. We know that it causes a chemical reaction in your brain that makes you 'happier'... What are the opinions of the people opposed to weed on this comparison?
  16. this is part of the great reason why we go! Its hilarious. People need STUFF!!!!! and they need it for $2 less than they would have bought it yesterday!!!
  17. ^^ the hard part is distinguishing whether that is because of the weed, or if those people would have 'failed' anyway, and happen to be weed smokers. I'm sure that you can come up with as many success stories as failures. I know a guy who pulled a 4.0 in electrical engineering stoned off his ass ALL THE TIME. I also know a guy who lost his gf because he was 'busy' smoking weed all the time and he just sat on the couch all day. So, what facts do i have that weed caused either of these people to succeed or fail?
  18. hmmm, my favorite day of the year. My family gets together, feasts, naps, then bonds over a rough day of shopping and massive caffeine ingestion. Its one of the few times we actually all get along.
  19. I don't remember much about halo except that I was terrible at it and that I always just stayed back so people could spawn off of me... yeah that sucked. Aerosmith is still making music?? lol
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