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Posts posted by Kosmo

  1. Snowboarding and Guinness. Girls are nice too sometimes.

    skiing and guinness.....then scotch.....you are my kind of man :D

    Hey girl I get to go snowboarding for the first time this winter I'm so excited maybe we can go some weekend together? if you don't mind a newbie! :D

    Haha let me know when you folks head out......I will join you folks......

  2. my...my.....fellow thread hookers........I got busy.......but checked all of the thread.....lots of opinions and resources, ideas that's what I want out of a thread like this. You don't have to agree with me neither do I.....but that's how a debate should go....it's all good.....and just to remind everybody....."IT'S NEVER PERSONAL" from me......

    Lastly my hats off and kudos to all and forget not that who by service or by policy trying to make the world a better and safer place.......:bow:

    "That's enough of my drunky political speech" :cheers:

  3. Well no joke... I apologize for my embellishment, im sure since youre perfect you have never done it. Sorry i saddened you.

    It's all OK dude.......it's all debate and in a good heart....I am not even near perfect (I will not evenly remotely think) and nobody is......so it's all good :D

  4. if you think there are not any ties between all the middle eastern countries youre out of your mind.

    jeese......middle eastern countries are also.....













    it's sad.....all I can say.....

  5. Private residents put gravel and oil the road. Tired of all the bikes racing by their homes.

    Remember last summer on the dragon someone oiled a couple of corners. I have heard storys of it happening on a couple of roads around here.

    The only advice is don't ride the ragged edge, ride with enough of a margin to be able to survive a mistake or slip on gravel.

    are you seroius ????? attempted homicide ........:beating:

  6. lol, wait... that only worked with the British, who were so darn logical and honorable. It didn't work on the Japanese, Pakistan, Bangledesh, Kashmir, China, Sri Lanka, etc.

    By all accounts, The USA is quite peaceful compared to the quantities of warfare in India. Just sayin'...

    First Indo-Pakistan War (1948-1949)

    Pakistan attacked India

    Hyderabad (Liberation of 1948)

    Naga Rebellion (1954?-Present)

    Liberation of Goa (1961)

    Local civil war

    Sino-Indian War (1962)

    China attacked India

    United Nations Offensive Operations in the Congo (1961-1964)

    Asked for Support ny UNO

    Second Indo-Pakistan War (1965)

    Pakistan attacked India

    Sino-Indian Skirmish (1967)

    China attacked

    Third Indo-Pakistan War/Bengali War of Independence (1971)

    Pakistan again attacked India

    Assam-Nagaland border dispute (1979?-Present?)

    Punjab Insurgency (1984-1989)

    Local Civil war, the Punjub insurgency caused the life of one Prime Minister.

    Siachen Operations (1984-Present)

    China attacked India in conjuntion with Tibet

    Indian Intervention in Sri Lankan Civil War (1987-1990)

    Asked by the Sri Lankan Govt, and participation in that caused asasination of one Prime Minister. Yet we did not attack that country.

    Indian Intervention in the Maldives (1988)

    Asked by the Maldives.

    Kashmir Revolt (1990-Present)

    I don't think.....it was right from 1947 right from the independence. This is the reason. Most of the people from the state Kashmir are Muslims but the ruling king was Hindu.....when the British asked the independent King that which country he likes to join after independence......he chose India being Hindu.......and not a single person of the state the Muslims liked it.....they wanted to be the part of Pakistan.......so three Pakistan war is for this state.......and all the terrorism as well......

    Indian-Bangladesh Border Conflict (2001)--

    This is the Mexico issue here, the Bangladeshi's run the border for jobs and all illegal immigrants........cheap labor.....for India

    Tom, did not expect that from you.......in each (EVERY ONE OF THEM) India was attacked first or asked to support........not in its history they have attacked or occupied a country..........or even policed another country. Each year tens of thousand of people die from muslim terrorism in India, mainly from Pakistan......so why US is keeping its mouth shut about this (they now understand though)........when you can attack Iraq for Kuwait oil........cause USA sells F16s to Pakistan.........the two faces of one coin.....

  7. so far it worked perfectly for me and justin (jrmmiii).....I guess

    if somebody checks my wife out in a bar, I buy him a drink rather than a fight.....so far worked perfectly for my 17 years of drinking life......even in ghetto Bronx gangsta bars........somebody told me "dude you have some nerves and bought me a drink back " who wins......???

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