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Posts posted by Kosmo

  1. we have always been the ones to be fair and honorable. Maybe thats why other countries/groups take advantage of us. Mabye if we dragged the dead body of a terrorist through the streets and stuck his head on a pike, they'd think twice about messing with us. But we don't do that. We don't stoop to the level of Somolia, Iraq.....And not being aquitted isn't the point. The ends don't justify the means.

    Really ?????


  2. A long court process and details can bring up lots of overlooked info and names which still may be a threat.......a quick trial and execution will not help that.....he will get it anyway......but are you guys worried that he is physically in NYC........come on fear mongers

  3. I had it couple of times after it was available from 2007. If you go to an Indian Restaurent they have after meal fennel as mouth freshners....it tastes like that.......no buzz.....thuzone have to be 10 ppm or less to sell it in hear....it's like a spicy/herby spirit

  4. only if you are vegan for your life....I will take your comments....otherwise sorry.......medium rare porter house...mmmmmm....

    dang that cow was somebody's daddy or mommy......:o

    rabbits are great pets too....then why we hunt them........:rolleyes:

  5. <sad face> This isn't in NEO.

    Who told ya....come to Coventry Mongo bbq in Cleveland Heights....I have guest grilled there couple of times.....and I explained to some if I put the spice and sauce of your choice right from the beginning, it will taste better, if you take a lot of meat......so that was a hit that night .....there is a reason that marinated meat tastes better....seafood....not really necessary.......:D

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